
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 4/18/2022

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

Crazy!  Warm then cold then warm again!  I guess that is Spring in PA!

On today's to-do list: 

We had a very busy weekend!  We spent most of our time outside so not much got done inside.  I'll have my work cut out for me with cleaning this week.  It SHOULD be a fairly quiet day though. 

Happening this week:

Tuesday, laundry and another fairly quiet day.

Wednesday, the next installment of the Sweet Dreams quilt block pattern will be coming out!  

Thursday, menu and grocery list day.

Friday should be a nice, normal day of getting groceries and preparing for the weekend with family.

Saturday is Family Day.

Currently reading:

On the TV:

Not much.

Listening to:

This week for "Songs on Sunday" I featured "I Will Carry You" by Ellie Holcomb.  I hope you'll check it out :) 

On the menu today:

Ham Pot Pie

In the Craft Basket:

I haven't been sewing much lately and have gotten terribly behind on the Sweet Dreams sew along.  I've been working on a pink, gray and white Beautiful Shells crochet baby blanket for my cousin in Florida who is due to have her baby girl, Adalynn Audrey, on May 7th.  I'm hoping to have it finished and shipped down to her before then.

Picture from the Camera

Memory Verse

"He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying."

Matthew 28:6

Have a great Monday!



  1. Beautiful rainbow picture! I'm reading a book about the betrayal of Anne Frank. I'll probably have to go back a re-read her diary at some point, read it in school at some point but it's been a long time. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I read a version of Anne Frank's Diary in 7th grade reading class. This is a later version and I'm picking up on so much more than my 12 year old self did. It is definitely worth a re-read!

  2. Love the baby's name! beautiful blanket.
    I would need to reread Anne Frank, good idea!
    Have a great week

    1. Audrey was our grandmother's name and she was a beautiful person inside and out! I hope you have a great rest of the week :)


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