
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Weekly Weigh In ~ 3/23/2022

Once again (for the bazillionth time), I'm starting on a weight loss journey.  

My first mini-goal is to get below 280 lbs.  I'm giving myself a deadline of June 3, 2022 as that is my next doctor's appointment.  Yikes!  No pressure!

I'll be weighing in on Mondays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends and support!

Feel free to use the "Weekly Weigh In" graphic and create your own post with as much (or as little) info as you are comfortable sharing and leave a link in the comments.  Or you can just report your results in the comments.


My Dad has been put on a strict diet by his doctor due to Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.  They set his first goal at 30lbs lost.  I'm hoping that we can encourage each other on this journey.

We're going to be using his diabetic scale to weigh in so that I can quit fighting on a daily basis with my cheapie digital scale!

Next week, I plan on letting you know what exercise I've done and also the number of days I've tracked my food using LoseIT! and stayed within my calorie range.

Weigh in #2:

Highest Weight ~ 297.0 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 3/14/2022 ~ 295.4 lbs.

This Week's Weight ~ 3/21/2022 ~ 294.0 lbs.

This Week's Total:   -1.4 lbs.

Grand Total: -3.0 lbs

Please let me know in the comments if you are on your own weight loss journey!  I'd love to follow along :)

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