
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Tea Time ~ 3/3/2022

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~A friend posted a message last week that two baby kittens had been dropped off at her barn.  They would NOT have survived there on their own so we said we would take them in!  They are now going to be the first house cats we've had in years.  They are sooooo very tiny!  I took them to the vet on Tuesday and she said they look great and are very healthy but they are also very young.  She told us to keep doing what we're doing with them.  They've already captured our hearts!  They are so stinking cute!  There is one boy and one girl.  The boy has been named Flynn Orion.  Laken is having a rather hard time deciding on a name for the little girl.  The top contenders are Clover, Meadow and Violet with Sage as the middle name.  Let me know what you think we should name her!

Little girl.

Flynn Orion

~Laken is getting ready to select her schedule for next school year.  This year she has been online schooling due to her stomach/migraine issues and it has been difficult staying on schedule.  She has 3 options for 10th grade.  (1) online schooling (2) in-person schooling (3) in-person schooling along with vo-tech for Bio-Technology.  We went to the vo-tech Open House to see if it would be anything Laken would be interested in and she likes the idea of experiments and lab work.  She would still have to take all her academic classes along with vo-tech which would take place of 3 elective credits.  Time to make some big-girl decisions.

~Hello, March!  It is officially my Birth Month and I will be celebrating all month-long :)  I started by taking some time for myself and getting a mani/pedi.  Both were long overdue!  I picked a dark, sparkly red for both my fingers and my toes :)

~Laken's new glasses came in yesterday.  We ordered them Sunday afternoon!  I was shocked when the Vision Center called to say that they were there.  I think they are adorable :)

~I didn't want to pass the week by without mentioning the situation in the Ukraine.  My thoughts and prayers are going out daily to those who are being effected!

How was your week?



  1. Such adorable little kittens. They are so lucky to have someone to care for them and we know with love and good care, they will grow up to be healthy kitties.

  2. Oh my, those wee kittens are so adorable, we like Violet but if you're undecided, let her show you her purrsonality and then decide. All the best to Laken on the education decisions, it's a tough choice. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I love the name Meadow! little kittens are just the cutest thigns!!!!

  4. Oh, how cute are the babies! All the names are adorable and will suit them. They bring back memories of kitties I brought home one day after my bus run because I'd witnessed someone drive down the (rural) road tossing them out the window! I found homes for 2 and we kept one. They were snow white with blue eyes (except for ours that had one blue eye and one green eye) and deaf. We loved him dearly, but he didn't come home one day and I feel sure someone in the neighborhood took him in and kept him. He was so friendly with everyone.

  5. Oh ! I have had lovely cats (now OTRB) named Orion and Clover ! Purrayers and Power of the Paw to you and these babies no matter what names you decide on !

  6. Oh the kittens! SO precious! Love those glasses on such a pretty young lady. Migraine are the worst. After all the neurosurgery surgery I had , it took me years to control them. That school plan sounds great to me! Have a wonderful weekend. My goodness they come around quickly. Take care

  7. Very cute kitties. How kind of you to rescue them.

  8. What adorable kittens! Of course I have to agree that Flynn is the perfect name.

  9. Darling kitties! I'd go for Violet Sage!

  10. Oh the kittens are most adorable. You're such a wonderful person to help these little ones. Thank you.

    Love the nail color.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥


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