
Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sewing Saturday ~ 3/5/2022 ~ Dessert Bread

I'm going to be featuring my sewing, crocheting and crafting projects on Saturdays.  Some weeks this will include a finished project, a FNSI or FNWF or just a WIP.


I'm going to try to sew at least one block a week in the Pat Sloan sew-along called "Sweet Dreams". I'm using the fabrics below:


Here is my version of the 8th Sweet Dreams Block:  Dessert Bread

I like to cut out the pieces and then take a picture of the "before" :)

And this is the "after"!

This block took me a bit to figure out the layout and how I wanted it to look.  I needed to use some of the darker gray to balance out the center of the quilt.

I love how it turned out!  Only one more block to go and then I can sew the 9-Patch (blocks) center together.

My favorite Dessert Bread is Banana Nut Bread OR Chocolate Zucchini Bread :)

You can find the patterns at .



  1. Lovely block, it's great to see very soon the center all assembled.
    Thank you for sharing this Dessert Bread block, and linking up ;)

  2. I love your post! Such a pretty block. I love posting about our hobbies on Saturday! I will join you.
    We just moved and I am still unpacking but my yarn is out and hopefully tomorrow I will get to Crochet! I am doing a CAL.
    Have a good week!

  3. My favorite is Lemon Coconut bread. Hmm, I have to make that today. Your block is very pretty. I am looking forward to seeing them all together.

  4. That is such a pretty block! I love those same dessert breads as you, although I haven't really met a dessert bread I didn't like!
    Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday!

  5. I love seeing it all laid out before and after! It's a very cool block :) Thanks for linking with Monday This and That! xx

  6. Yeah for staying caught up with the quilt along.


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