
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 3/21/2022

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

We made it!  It is officially SPRING!!!  Even though Sunday was a bit chilly, the week ahead doesn't look too bad :)

On today's to-do list: 

Laken has a check-in with her primary care doctor in the morning and then I'll be spending the day cleaning.  We had a very busy weekend so not much got done.

Happening this week:

Tuesday, the kittens have their next vet appointment.  I'm anxious to see what they weigh.  I can definitely tell they've grown!  They are so funny to watch and are SOOO fast :)

Wednesday, the next installment of the Sweet Dreams quilt block pattern will be coming out!  

Thursday is my 44th BIRTHDAY!!!  Whoohoo!!!  I've been celebrating all month-long :)

Friday should be a nice, normal day of getting groceries and preparing for the weekend with family.

Saturday is Family Day.  I'm in the mood for a Family Movie Night but don't know what we should watch.  Any suggestions?

Currently reading:

On the TV:

Jurassic World

Listening to:

This week for "Songs on Sunday" I featured "Walking Free" by Micah Tyler.  I hope you'll check it out :) 

On the menu today:

Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Strawberries

In the Craft Basket:

This past week I worked on the "Sweet Dreams" sew along by Pat Sloan at .  I finished block 10 (actually a border) called Pastries.  I also have been working on hand quilting Mom's Blue and White Quilt.  I also have started sewing my Pioneer Woman Charm Squares into 9 patches.

Picture from the Camera

Memory Verse

"Our lives re a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God."
2 Corinthians 2:15 NLT

Have a great Monday!



  1. Great Scripture and your picture about finding yourself alone in the house made me smile.

  2. Happy Early Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful birthday week!

  3. Happy Birthday! Love your quilt blocks I need to do another quilt along. I thinking Christmas. I loved the book and fried green tomatoes! Happy reading

  4. Happy Birthday to you! so young..
    Great quote

  5. Happy birthday for Thursday 🎈
    Sing 2 looks cute, or I spotted The Spiderwick Chronicles on Netflix the other day.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. Happy Birthday for Thursday :)

    Beautiful quilt. Have a wonderful week!


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