
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Tea Time ~ 2/17/2022

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~February 12th was my 13th Blogaversary :)  Those early posts were awful but full of memories.  My babies were so little!  I still can't believe that I've been blogging for 13 years as it was something that I started on a whim.

~Laken wanted to make cake-pops to take to Church on Sunday for Valentine's Day.  They were yummy but the cake/icing center was very soft.  I think I might have made too much icing to be mixed with the crumbled cake.  They were a hit and not a single one was left :)

~The hubby and I had our Valentine's "Date" on Friday night.  Instead of dinner and a movie, we decided to split the money we would have spent on that and buy whatever our hearts desired.  Sadly, the shopping around is very limited.  The hubby spent none of his allotment and I only spent $20 on a new sewing box that I had been wanting.  I guess we still have some shopping to do!

~Saturday evening the hubby and Laken had a Daddy/Daughter date and went to see the newest Spiderman movie at the theater.  I had a quiet evening at home by myself!  That never happens!  I did some sewing and read a good bit of my book club book.  It is an amazing read and I didn't want it to end.  I had a lovely evening :)

~We had to break down and buy Laken a good Graphing Calculator.  Her math is just getting to the point that she HAD to have one to do well.  She had been using a calculator online but it was difficult to maneuver.  We invested in a good calculator that should be what she needs for the rest of High School.  We hope we got the one that was best for her needs!

How was your week?



  1. glad you had a great Valentine's Day - have a great Thursday

    1. Thank you! We did have a great Valentine's Day :)

  2. Sounds like so many good things and Happy Blogoversary from all of us. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Happy Blogaversary dear Colletta! I was thinking (before I clicked over, when I saw your thumbnail at Friendship Friday) how happy I was to see you at this week's party because you are one of my "long time" blogging friends! Everything has changed so much since those early days - it always brings me special joy when I see people who I remember from way back when who are still blogging! We celebrated our 24th anniversary on Valentine's Day but it was low key as we've both been under the weather! Anyway I wanted to wish you a joy-filled weekend! :-)

    1. So sorry to hear you've been under the weather! Blogging definitely has changed for many but I try to stay true to the reason I started blogging. Thank you for being my blogging friend!


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