
Friday, February 4, 2022

Sewing Saturday ~ 2/5/2022 ~ Boston Cream Pie

I'm going to be featuring my sewing, crocheting and crafting projects on Saturdays.  Some weeks this will include a finished project, a FNSI or FNWF or just a WIP.


I'm going to try to sew at least one block a week in the Pat Sloan sew-along called "Sweet Dreams". I'm using the fabrics below:

The first block from last week was called Brownie Love and I loved piecing it!  Piece of cake :)

The second block is called Boston Cream Pie, which I'm not overly fond of...

I should have known this block would give me fits!  I almost had to walk away and come back to it another day!  But, it was Friday Night With Friends and I wanted to participate :(

I think one of my main problems is that I was in a rush and that is when mistakes happen.  Mistakes in measuring, cutting, piecing, etc., etc., etc.

And then when I had ***1*** seam left to sew, I ran out of bobbin thread!  Argh!

I'm not totally in love with my fabric placement, but it is done and that is what matters most.

In all, this was NOT easy as pie!  At least for me....

You can find the pattern at .



  1. I am trying to learn to quilt and so I will certainly be checking out that website! I love your blocks and it is unique.

  2. Beautiful blocks, love your fabrics!

  3. Such lovely fabrics that you have chose for the Quilt Along and fabulous blocks.

  4. Good luck with your "Sweet Dreams"... so far so good...xox

  5. You made me look. I checkout the Pat Sloan Sweet Dreams QAL. Found you on Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

  6. Hang in there! I've been quilting for well over 20 years and just today I was ripping out sashing not sewn on the correct side. Sometimes the brain is just focused on other things I guess! LOL. Anyway, live and learn. It's all fixable!

  7. but you persisted - that is the important thing - lovely fabrics you are using.

  8. Some blocks just like to be problems. You've gotten a great start on your new project. Fun fabrics!

  9. Oh my what goodness here! I came looking for a Boston Cream Pie recipe - LOL just kidding. ;) Those are very pretty blocks. I sure get the struggle to get the job done - that happens to me at least once a week, sometimes more. And to run out of bobbin to boot, well that is just the final straw for me. :D
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  10. Nice blocks! This will be a pretty quilt. I find I learn a lot when I participate in a sew along, just because I make blocks I wouldn't have chosen myself. It does keep the seam ripper busy, though!

  11. I think your fabric choices are very pretty. You might not like block #2 standing alone but I bet it will look great when placed in the quilt! Hope you've made even more progress by now! See you next month at FNwF!


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