
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Book Review ~ Her Unsuitable Match by Sally Britton


Title:  Her Unsuitable Match by Sally Britton
Series:  Supposed Scandal #1
Pages:  268
Date Published:  October 25, 2021


Lady Philippa must wed to gain her fortune and freedom. A former soldier wants only peace and seclusion. Marriage to each other is their best solution.

Lady Philippa Gillensford is three and twenty, an heiress, and sister to a penny-pinching earl. After rejecting every bachelor her mother approves of, Philippa is ready to take her future into her own hands. Though she doubts she’ll marry for love, she is more than willing to marry for freedom from her family’s influence.

Myles Cobbett has withdrawn from Society, content to remain alone after surviving the horrors of the Napoleonic wars. When a friend convinces Myles to attend a ball benefiting wounded veterans like himself, Myles meets the lively Lady Philippa. Shortly thereafter, to help Philippa avoid scandal, Myles rescues her from a complete cad.

Sensing a chance to escape her family’s control, Philippa convinces Myles he must marry her to save her reputation. In exchange for this favor, Philippa promises him the very thing he thought he always wanted: a quiet life, alone in the country.

While the two put on a show of marital happiness for their neighbors, both realize they want much more from this arrangement. Can they take a marriage of convenience and turn it into a love match? 
My Thoughts:
I really liked this book, my first written by the author Sally Britton.

I love when the hero has scars (literal and figurative) and the heroine falls in love anyway.  It is such an endearing theme.

I loved the storyline of the family trying to get what I would call a Veteran's Hospital started.  My dad is a veteran and does all his doctoring at our local VA Hospital.  They are marvelous!

I didn't know this book could be read as a sequel to His Unexpected Heiress.  I felt a little out of the loop, but the author did a great job of making this a stand-alone book as well.

Her Unsuitable Match is also a part of a series called Supposed Scandal.  And who doesn't love a good scandal ?  :)

I downloaded this book from Kindle Unlimited.

Onto the next book!

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