
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Good Stuff ~ 1/6/2022


~ 2022!  I love welcoming in a new year!  Do you?  I enjoy the feeling of a fresh start.  I also like the 1st day of each new month!  A chance to "start over" :)

~Bible In A Year!  I did it!  I read the Chronological Bible through in a year!  I will admit that I missed about 10 days med-year but it is about progress, not perfection.  I finished strong and EARLY on December 29, 2021!  My goal is to miss even fewer days in 2022.  So far, so good :)

~Sweet Dreams!  Pat Sloan's new sew-along started Wednesday, January 5th.  It is called Sweet Dreams which makes the song go over and over in my head.  Can't wait to get started :)

~Answers soon!  Laken has some tests coming up early next week.  We've had to wait months for the appointments, first with the Pediatric Gastroenterologist and then for the tests.  I don't know what the answers will be but we're glad that the time has finally come to move forward instead of sitting still.  All prayers are appreciated!  God has her in his hands :)

 ~Pet Contest!  Our local library is having a Pet Contest!  Laken wants to enter Lilah and Kona :)  Hopefully she'll enter a better picture than this one!  lol

What has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Happy reading and good for you finishing the Bible. We all send prayers to Laken and we hope all is well super soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Happy reading. I read the Bible through as well with The Bible Recap. I greatly enjoyed it and I am thankful that I can say I plan to do it again this year as well.

  3. Being thankful is a wonderful thing. You have a wonderful list.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. |Terrific Thankfuls! Lilah and Kona are cute!We hope they win the contest.


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