
Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Good Stuff ~ 1/13/2022


Dark and early on Wednesday, January 12th, we left the house at 4am to head to Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh.  It was finally time for Laken to get her scopes done.

We've been doctoring since early September 2021 with Laken's stomach with no answers.  I took forever to get in to see a Pediatric Gastroenterologist and then it took 2 more months to have the endoscopy and colonoscopy scheduled.  It has been a rough 4 1/2 months.

Tuesday was also rough with the prep Laken had to do in anticipation of the scopes.

We were all a little bit nervous but I have to say that  ALL the staff, nurses and doctor's at Children's are spectacular.  By noon, we were out the door and back in the car ready to head home.

The results...

Everything looked normal to the doctor's eye!  He did biopsies to test for tons of different allergies.  We won't have those results back for 7-10 days.

We still have to get to the bottom of the problem but I'm glad there wasn't anything definitely abnormal to be seen.

For that, I am VERY thankful :)

What has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. I hope they figure something out, that's a really good hospital with a most excellent staff. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. So glad that is behind & everything looked OK

  3. Thanks for linking up with Thankful Thursday! I'm so glad to hear nothing abnormal was found in your daughter's scans and tests. I pray they'll be able to reach a diagnosis for her soon! I know that has to be discouraging to see her suffering with stomach issues.


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