
Monday, December 20, 2021

Tuesday 4 ~ Christmas ~ 12/21/2021

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

1. Is your tree up? How tall... what color lights? Is there a color scheme you use?

Our Christmas Tree has been up since the weekend after Thanksgiving.  The tree itself is 6 feet and the lights are multi-colored.  We don't have a color scheme.  We do have our memorable Christmas ornaments on the tree though.

2.  Got a menu for Christmas Eve and Day?

On Christmas Eve, we'll be going to my brother's house so it is pretty much their show :)  Christmas Day, we're having ham and deer roast, mashed potatoes and the sides along with pie :)

3. When does it go up and how long does it stay up?

I guess this means the tree???  If so, then it goes up right after Thanksgiving and comes down right after New Year's Day.

4. What is your favorite Christmas memory. When do you open your gifts?

I don't know if I have a favorite Christmas memory.  There are too many good ones to pick just one!  We open the majority of our gifts on Christmas morning after reading the account of Jesus's birth in Luke 2.



  1. You have such lovely traditions! Merry Christmas. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  2. Great family memories. Have a blessed holiday.

  3. It is hard to find just one special Christmas memory!

  4. I enjoyed your answers. Have an amazing Christmas.

  5. I don't think I have eaten deer meat but I would try it@


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