
Friday, December 3, 2021

Book Blogger Hop ~ 12/3/2021

Q.  Why did you start a book blog? (submitted by Julie @ JadeSky)

A. I started blogging my bookish endeavors for a few reasons.

The first being, to remember the books I had read.  I had, long ago, (before blogging and goodreads) kept a paper journal of the books I'd read.  When I discovered blogging in 2009, I knew it would be a great way to log my reads.

I also was longing for someone to talk books with.  No one in my immediate circle are really readers so I felt like I was all alone in my love of reading.  Then I discovered the book blogging community and haven't looked back.

Bookishly Yours,


P.S. I hope you'll check out the Kindred Readers Book Club and join in!!!


  1. How fun! For the past couple of years I've logged most of mine on Goodreads.

  2. I did the same thing! Plus it helps me get free books! hop on by!


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