
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Blogging Challenge ~ Thanksgiving Foods ~ 11/24/2021

This week's topic is:  

Traditional Thanksgiving Foods That I Like (or Dislike):

I thought for today's prompt I'd give you a run-down of our menu for Thanksgiving Dinner and whether I like them or not.

Turkey (like)
Stuffing (like)
Mashed Potatoes (like)
Homemade Noodles (like)
Green Beans (dislike)
Sweet Potatoes (like)
Cranberry w/ Mandarins (dislike)
Rolls (like)
Pumpkin Pie (LOVE)
Apple Pie (like)

I'm very curious as to what dishes are on your menu for Thanksgiving.  Do you go traditional, like we do?  Do you go outside the Thanksgiving box?



  1. I love, love, love pumpkin pie as well. I only ever got it on Thanksgiving which made it doubly special.

  2. Love pumpkin pie, and stuffing. No to green bean casserole but I will eat green beans if they are served. I dislike the turkey.

  3. We do Ham . Hubby allergic too Turkey of all things. But keeping it simple because its just us. Iam making Sugar Free Pumpkin pie for some diabetic friends for t he holiday.

  4. I like that pumpkin pie gets its own special category here!

  5. Everything on that list except the turkey and the pies. The homemade noodles sound delicious!

  6. Everything on that list is delicious to me!!!!!! Would you share the cranberry with mandarin oranges??? Please, please, pretty please??? I've never heard of that before and I need it like, right now!

    1. It is super simple. Just mix whole cranberry sauce with mandarin oranges and serve! ;)

  7. I do wish we did Thanksgiving in the UK. I love all of these.


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