
Monday, October 11, 2021

Tuesday 4 ~ Blogging ~ 10/12/2021

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

1.  How often do you blog? What helps you blog.. what hinders you?

I try to blog everyday.  Having a "schedule" helps me.  Lack of time hinders me.
2.  What benefits do you get from blogging? Are there any?

I think there are many benefits from blogging.  The one I truly started my blog for was the sense of community.  I was a young mom with young girls when I started blogging.  I found many new "friends" in the blogging world :)

3.  Have you ever changed your blog theme? 

Not really.  My blog has always been "Colletta's Kitchen Sink".  It has evolved over the years but I wouldn't say it has changed completely.

4. Where do you get your ideas for blog posts?

Like I mentions in #1, I have a schedule that I pretty much follow every week.  Most of my "ideas" relate to the post theme for that day.



  1. I have similar answers!! Have a great Tuesday!!

  2. I enjoyed your answers. This is my second time joining in and I like it. Though for some weird reason I thought I saw totally different questions Sunday So I answered 8 questions total.

  3. I enjoyed your post and learning a little more about you.

  4. Like you I try too post everyday but things happen. I try to plan out my week post that seems to help with posting.

  5. Having a schedule is the best idea, otherwise it gets out of hand. Thanks for joining in

  6. I blogged everyday when I first started. I miss that. I work full time now and I just do not have time. Loved your answers! Have a great week.

  7. I prefer blogging to instagram, I feel I can be chatty on my blog and not on instagram. I don't post as often as I want!


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