
Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ A Grandpuppy! ~ 10/21/2021


As the caption reads, I'm getting a Grandpuppy!

That is right!  Shawn and Kaylee will be adding this cutie pie to their little family.

This precious puppy is a little girl and is only 4 weeks old at the moment :)

You might be thinking that she looks older than 4 weeks as I did.  That would be because she is a GREAT DANE!

A girl (woman) I went to school with has both the father and the mother and are Great Dane lovers.  When my friend had 3 of the ELEVEN pups come available again, Kaylee and Shawn knew with a certainty that they wanted this little (big!) girl.

They can pick her up on November 20th and Kaylee is already chomping at the bit :)  She's so excited!

The have a whole month to puppy-proof and get ready for the little miss.  They are going to wait to give her a name and I can't stand the suspense!

Looking forward to some puppy kisses :)

What has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Aw, she adorable. Puppies are so wonderful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  2. Oh that little sweetie will be so excited to get a home of her very own. We look forward to seeing her homecoming! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thrusday Blog Hop!

  3. She's precious! I love those dogs. I know you're excited for them! Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. She's so sweet!! Gonna be a big girl though!

  5. She is so sweet. Enjoy the hugs and kisses.

  6. Nothing like a puppy for cuteness and lack of sleep! lol Danes are a fantastic breed and I am sure this little one will get the best of care. Thanks for linking up.


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