
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ Painting Party ~ 9/9/2021


Have you ever gone to a "Painting Party"?  Not the kind where you go help a friend makeover a room, but the kind where you actually paint a picture?  I can now say that I have!

I had my life...painted on canvas until Tuesday evening.  My beautiful SIL, Kelly, invited me out to a night of painting and drinking...Diet Pepsi for us... at Buffalo Wild Wings :)  Kelly is, of course, the blonde haired beauty.

We had the choice of 3 paintings to create.  The elephant looked WAY too complicated and the middle picture, while beautiful, intimidated us with all those "happy little trees".  Therefore, we decided to paint the dolphin painting.  I think we were the only 2 painters that evening doing the dolphin painting, actually.

I was worried about trying to create the dolphins, but thankfully the host already had the dolphins sketched on the canvas.  This was my starting point.

Here is my paint palette :)

Look at that face :)

Almost finished...

And...viola!  My finished painting!

I really would love to know if you've ever attended a painting party.  What did you paint?  Did you enjoy yourself?  Do you have a picture you could share...I want to see!?!

hat has you thankful/smiling/exited this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Dad says he hasn't but sure would like to

  2. What an exciting post about Art. The painting is beautiful Thank you for sharing it.

  3. That's amazing, you did great! We're filled with no talent here. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Wow, you're most talented. Beautiful.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  5. I have been to a few painting parties! They are always a lot of fun, but I minored in fine arts in college and have been painting on canvas since I was 6. I just love playing with paints. Your dolphins came out great!

  6. That came out great! I haven't been to one, but my daughter has and loved it. Thank you for linking up.

  7. I love painting parties! I've been to several and have done flowers, crosses and a vase with flowers. Have you ever been to a "board and brush" party? It involves a little bit of manual labor, but they're so much fun! We have one such place near us, and I made a sign with our last name and the year we were married to hang over our bed. You should look into one! They're pricier, but they're worth it and you get to take home your art. I love being creative! Thanks for linking up with us today!

  8. Dad says he hasn't but sure would like to


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