
Thursday, September 2, 2021

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 9/03/2021

All things bookish!

Hear ye!  Hear ye!

I'm starting a Monthly Book Club linkup.

September 2021's post can be found HERE!!!


What I Read:

You can read my REVIEW HERE!


What I'm Reading:


A new book by the author of Real Life Organizing and Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook 

Fans of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy by Marie Kondo and The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin will love The Clutter Connection by organization expert Cassandra Aarssen.

An organization book for diverse habits: “You’re not messy, you just organize differently”. The Clutter Connection examines and explains the correlation between brain types and how they directly relate to organization and clutter. Cassandra Aarssen smashes the stereo–type that some people are “naturally messy” and offers readers insight and real-life solutions based on their unique personal organizing style. The Clutter Connection will help you get organized, be more productive and finally understand the why behind your clutter.

Individualized real life organizing: Organizing isn’t one size fits all. Let go of the preconceived and conventional notions of what organization looks like and finally discover what Clutterbug you are. With self-awareness comes happiness, personal growth and lasting change.

The Clutter Connection examines:

The four different organizing styles and how they relate to each other How motivation and happiness can be directly affected by our space The “3P’s” - Productivity, procrastination and perfectionism and how they are connected to your unique organizing style How you can finally become clutter-free simply by knowing yourself better

Know your habits and declutter your space

First Lines:

Have you ever wondered why your children just can't seem to put their toys away "right" or why your husband doesn't put his dirty clothes in the hamper, no matter how often you remind him?

56%/Page 56

Bob's dirty clothes were piled in a corner of his bedroom, so that is exactly where I put a large laundry basket.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


Nothing could get her home…but this.

Cassidy Leblanc worked hard to shake off her tragic childhood. As a foster child with a mother in prison for murder, she was an outcast in her small New Hampshire town until she met James. But she and James’s sister, whom she was babysitting, were kidnapped. She escaped, but Hallie didn’t survive, and everybody assumed Cassidy killed her. Like mother, like daughter, after all. With public opinion and the authorities united against her, young Cassidy fled. Now, a decade later, another little girl has been kidnapped, and Cassidy may be the only person who can find her.

He doesn’t know who to trust.

James Sullivan never believed that Cassidy killed his sister, no matter what the authorities said. When his best friend’s daughter goes missing a decade after Hallie's murder, James keeps his opinions on the matter to himself. But when he finds Cassidy sneaking around his property, his thoughts turn dark. If she’s not behind the recent kidnapping, what is she doing back in Coventry? Her answer—that she’s returned to find little Ella, and she needs his help—has him reeling. Can he trust Cassidy, despite what the police tell him? If there’s any chance he can save Ella, he has to try.

Danger lurks on the mountain.

Together, they search for the elusive cave where Cassidy and Hallie were taken, but somebody will stop at nothing to make sure they don’t find it or, if they do, that they don’t come out alive.


Book Haul:


My daughter's haul:



Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  What do you use for a bookmark? A real one or something else? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews

A. On my Kindle (needless-to-say) I use and electronic bookmark.  When reading a paperback, I use a real bookmark that my daughter bought me.  It says "Let your dreams take flight." and has trees and butterflies.  I love bookmarks and it makes me a bit sad that I can't use them while reading on my Kindle...


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. I like the quotes. I never looked at organization from that angle before, but it seems like this book has a lot of interesting information to share. Have a great weekend!

  2. I think I could benefit from learning how to declutter, mainly just mentally! I also love the look of 'To Kill a Kingdom', your daughter has a great eye :D And while I don't have one specific bookmark I do have a few that rotate. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. I hope you enjoy your current and next reads!

  4. Interesting book choices. Thanks for sharing!

  5. That organization book might drive me nuts. The question posed in the beginning hit me like a rock! I don;t want to know why, I doubt it would help! LOL
    Happy weekend!

  6. Sounds interesting.

    My first line comes from Crossed Lines by Jennifer Delamere.

  7. I am a very organized (read anal) person and I love reading these clutter books as I always learn something. Heading off the the library (online) to borrow a couple of these.

  8. The Clutter Connection looks interesting. I'm with you on being kind of sad about not being able to use a real bookmark on the Kindle. I love bookmarks!

    Have a great week!

  9. The Book Club post is a fun idea! I loved the Tricia Levenseller book I've read, still need to read more though! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  10. Helping people declutter sure seems to make a lot of money for authors of self-help books! I guess a lot of people feel they need to straighten up.

    best... mae at

  11. My first line is from Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham!
    November 25, 1913. Willow, Virginia
    Every fairytale needed an appropriate castle.

  12. Nice mailbox...enjoy all your books, and have a great week.

  13. I love your idea of having a Monthly Book Club linkup. I would love to join in.

    The Clutter Connection is a book a lot of people could use.

  14. The Clutter Connection has moved way up on my TBR list! I shared it on my blog with a link to your post! Thank you for sharing!

  15. The Clutter Connection sounds interesting ... and helpful! I see a bit of a pattern in your book haul - got the spring cleaning bug this fall?

    As for bookmarks, I have stacks and stacks of them in my nightstand drawer - from the library, from indie bookstores, from when my kids were in school. I just reach in and grab one when I need it - some of them are getting a bit worn!

    Enjoy your books this week -


    Book By Book

  16. Glimmer in Darkness looks good.
    I've done decluttering a few times.. I need to do it more!
    I like your daughter's haul.
    Yes, electronic bookmarks are not quite the same. I have tons of bookmarks but they never seem to be handy when I am reading a print book. I often end up using stickies. :-)
    Have a good week and Happy Reading!

  17. I need that clutter book. I don't use electronic bookmarks, never even considered it. Now I'm gonna have to think about that. to see my full answer hop on over to my blog

  18. I was all the Clutter books all the time! I need to figure out my own mess before winter hits and I'm stuck inside with all my beautiful things.

    I also need to pick up Daughter of the Siren Queen - I read the first two (maybe) in this series and I need to finish it.

    Happy reading!


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