
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday (on Wednesday) ~ 9/1/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday Wednesday!  Also Happy September!

I'm just getting some time to sit down and do some blogging and it is halfway through the week already!  I love the Happy Homemaker post and didn't want to skip it, so here we go :)

The weather outside is:

It is raining the proverbial cats and dogs today with what is left of Hurricane Ida coming through here in Pennsylvania.  There is some worry about localized flooding but we live in the mountains so we should be safe.

On today's to-do list: 

Annalea is only going to be coming to stay with me on Tuesday and Thursdays now, so hopefully I'll have some more "free" time.  So today I'm trying to catch up on some Bible Reading, cleaning and blogging.

Laken's school was "cancelled" (virtual) today due to the heavy rains and possibility of flooding.  After I post this, I have to make sure she is doing her work like she is supposed to be doing.

Happening this week:

We have lots of deliveries expected this week.  Laken's Homecoming dress should be coming today in the mail.  She's very excited about going to Homecoming this year with her friends.  They are going to have a fancy dinner, get pictures taken and go to the dance.  We're hoping the dress fits!

Kaylee's new job at Subway is going pretty well.  She is getting more pay and working less hours so I think she'll enjoy that aspect :)  Shawn has been working lots of overtime so their schedules have been a bit sporadic.  I think it will even out though.

The hubby is on third shift this week so he's sleeping the day away :)

Currently reading:

I am determined hoping to get into this book during the coming week!  

On the TV:

A movie on Netflix (I don't remember the name) about an empty-nester whose husband leaves her.  She then traveled Africa and "found herself" amongst the elephants.  It was pretty good.

Listening to:

This week for "Songs on Sunday" I featured "Yes, He Can" by Cain.  I hope you'll check it out :)

On the menu week:

Monday ~  Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday ~ Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday ~ Fish, Homemade mac-n-cheese
Thursday ~  Kielbasa, Buttered Potatoes
Friday ~ Pizza, Salad
Saturday ~ Beef Stew, Biscuits
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

Still working away on the Wedding afghan for Shawn and Kaylee!  I'm hoping to get it finished and gifted this week!

Picture from the Camera

This is the dress Laken picked out for Homecoming.  We're going to put straps on it and hope that it is a bit longer on her!

Memory Verse

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he grows older he will not abandon it.  Proverbs 2:6

Have a great Monday Wednesday!


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