
Friday, September 3, 2021

Book Club ~ #1 ~ SEPTEMBER 2021

I'd like to start hosting a monthly Book Club here on Colletta's Kitchen Sink.

The idea is that we each read books from our shelf, write reviews and then share them here with the Book Club.

So, no need to buy new books that may or may not interest you.  Read what you already have (or go buy a new book), write a review and share as many reviews as you want here whenever you get a chance!  All month long!  You might even be featured next month :)

Now for SEPTEMBER 2021's Book Club:

 The "rules":

~Must be family friendly.
~Mingle and check out each other's reviews.

That is it!

For now, until I see how much interest there is in having a Book Club, please leave a comment including a direct link to your review.  If we have enough interest, I'll look into a "linky" option.

I hope you'll join me and let your friends know about the Book Club!



  1. I'll go first and hope that others join me :) My first book I'm going to share is "Cluttered Mess to Organized Success" by Cassandra Aarssen.

  2. Colletta - thanks for announcing your new Book Club at Friendship Friday at Create With Joy! I have several reviews I hope to share as time permits so I would love to join you for this!

    I just started reading an incredibly moving memoir called Sweet Like Jasmine that releases on Oct 5. I posted a little about this on Instagram at If you would like to join the pre-launch book club with the author, the link with all sorts of incredible pre-order bonuses is in the post (we literally just started so you haven't missed much!)

    Have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  3. Hello Colletta. I love to read and would like to join in. Here is the last review, for all the books I read in August, which I posted on my blog last week. Thanks. I will follow your bog and join in!

  4. Thanks so much for hosting . Will be joining soon. Great review.

  5. I love this idea! I will share a post about my current reads:

  6. I also started following your blog so hopefully I will see the updates :)

  7. I'll join along and link it on my Sunday/Monday post if that is okay.
    I'm reading three TBRs this week. :-)


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