
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ Pre-Wedding Emotions ~ 8/5/2021


Time for another "Focus on the Good Stuff" post!

Dear Readers,

So sorry to have been MIA for the last week or more.  BIG stuff is happening around here and I've been so preoccupied and BUSY!  Kaylee and Shawn's Wedding is 9 short days away!  We've been busy with planning, decorations, errands, etc., etc., etc. 

I sat down a bit ago to fill out my planner for next week and I have to say that I've been a bit misty-eyed since filling in the day of Saturday, August 14, 2021.  I'm happy but also a bit sad that things will be changing.  My baby girl is all grown up and I don't know how to feel exactly.  Have you ever been there?

We've been making list upon list and checking items off.  I have to admit that I long for a bit of normalcy.  But I wonder if things will ever feel "normal" again.  I keep reminding myself that Kaylee and Shawn's house will only be a short 10 minute drive away.

So, tell me some "Good Stuff" about "marrying off" your daughter or son, if you've been in my shoes.  How did you feel, cope, manage  with all the accompanying emotions?

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Facing the empty nest was HARD for a while and I have to say I had different experiences with both of our kids. I had lots of anxiety and sadness when our son (the oldest) got married. He was the first to leave the nest and there was the extenuating circumstance that his wife-to-be did not like us, made no secret about it, and tried to separate him from us. As it turned out, the anxiety and sadness wasn't misplaced. They live only an hour away but we saw them only a handful of times per year, barely had any time with our grandchildren, and last year they finally cut all ties with us.

    On the other hand, it was easier to let go of our daughter. I knew she'd be living locally and her husband has always had an open door policy with us. Two years ago they bought the house next door to us and what a blessing that has been. We see them and their children nearly every day.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it is different with each family and each adult child. My Bible study teacher gave me the good advice to start praying before they left for God to prepare my heart and help me let go and free them. That helped a lot.

    Congratulations to your daughter and I'm saying a prayer for your momma's heart.

  2. Ahhh - bless your heart. Its emotional for sure. It feels like a little bit of a loss, but its really a beginning - to watch your child start a new journey ahead. It will be a wonderful wedding day but know you're adding ot your family - not taking away.

  3. It is tough, but it's part of the journey of life and you'll always be there to help her find her happy times! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Congratulations to Daughter and remember the more things change the heart stays the same

  5. How exciting! Forget about us your daughter wedding is more important. Not losing a daughter but gaining a son.


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