
Thursday, July 8, 2021

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 7/9/2021

All things bookish!

What I Read:

I have no excuse for not carrying out my summer commitment to read for at least 10 minutes a day.  I've been trying to keep up with my daily Bible reading but other than that I haven't taken the time to read at all.

Other things in life have just taken precedence.  I'm making no promises that I'll have anything new to report next Friday, but I miss participating in the bookish link-ups.  To give myself a kick in the pants, I'm going to start a new book and see if that can get me to read a bit each day.


What I'm Reading:


Two wary souls get a second chance at love…if a killer doesn’t find them first.

When a stalker turns to murder, pilot Kelli Spencer needs protection. What she doesn’t need is her old love Jack Reese returning to stir things up, but the former Navy SEAL and his team of protection specialists are the best of the best. Trust him with her life? If she has to. Her heart? No way.
The last time Jack left, he made it clear married life held no appeal. Ten years later, he wastes no time letting her know he hasn’t changed. Not that she’d be fool enough to hope.

As the commander of Knight Tactical, Jack jumps at the chance to protect Kelli and take down a killer, but as soon as she’s safe, he plans to shake the dust of the small mountain town off his feet again…until he realizes he never should have left the first time.

Can he convince Kelli to give him another chance, or will a devious killer destroy his plans for a happily ever after?

Welcome to Hope Landing, a small town full of big secrets…and deadly lies. 

First Lines:


Mouth open in shock, Kelli Spencer stared at the footprints along the side of her garage.

56%/Page 56

Kelli and her crew were going down.  Sooner rather than later.


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


Kaely Quinn's talents as an FBI behavior analyst are impossible to ignore, no matter how unorthodox her methods. But when a reporter outs her as the daughter of an infamous serial killer, she's demoted to field agent and transferred to St. Louis.

When the same reporter who ruined her career claims to have received an anonymous poem predicting a string of murders, ending with Kaely's, the reporter's ulterior motives bring his claim into question. But when a body is found that fits the poem's predictions, the threat is undeniable, and the FBI sends Special Agent Noah Hunter to St. Louis.

Initially resentful of the assignment, Noah is surprised at how quickly his respect for Kaely grows, despite her oddities. But with a brazen serial killer who breaks all the normal patterns on the loose, Noah and Kaely are tested to their limits to catch the murderer before anyone else--including Kaely herself--is killed.


What I Can't Wait To Read:


When Meg Whitaker's father decides to sell the family's lobster-fishing business to her high school nemesis, she sets out to prove she should inherit it instead. Though she's never had any interest in running the small fleet--or even getting on a boat due to her persistent seasickness--she can't stand to see Oliver Ross take over. Not when he ruined her dreams for a science scholarship and an Ivy League education ten years ago.

Oliver isn't proud of what he did back then. Angry and broken by his father walking out on his family, he lashed out at Meg--an innocent bystander. But owning a respected fishing fleet on Prince Edward Island is the opportunity of a lifetime, and he's not about to walk away just because Meg wants him to.

Meg's father has the perfect solution: Oliver and Meg must work the business together, and at the end of the season, he'll decide who gets it. Along the way, they may discover that their stories are more similar than they thought . . . and their dreams aren't what they expected.


Book Haul:





Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  Where do you post your reviews? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)    

A.  If you read my entire post, you'll have learned that I haven't been reading OR reviewing anything lately.

But when I do read and finish a book, I will definitely write a review here on my blog.  Other than that I like to leave a short blurb of a review on Goodreads when I rate the book.


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. All of the books you mentioned look like really good stories, especially Hard Landing and Beyond the Tides. Enjoy your current read!

  2. I completely know what it is like to not be able to stick to your reading plan when life intervenes! But thankfully books don't go bad and they'll wait around for you ;) The quotes from Hard Landing are very suspenseful, I hope it is an intriguing read and that you have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. Hard Landing sounds good, I hope you enjoy it! I have not heard of the author. Mind Games is also on my TBR list and I have been hearing a lot of great things about Liz Johnson, so will try to read that book as well. Here is my link:

  4. Intriguing beginning!! Happy weekend!

  5. August 1870
    Independence, Missouri

    “When a man grows up in wild country, huntin’ food, eyes wide open for trouble, he knows when he’s being watched.
    From A Man With A Past by Mary Connealy

    I’ve read Nancy Mehl and this is a great series! Just finished Beyond the Tides and I want to visit PIE!

  6. Beyond the Tides sounds really good. And it looks like you got some great new books to read. I hope you enjoy them! I hope life settles down enough for you to get in some reading time. I know how hard it can be sometimes to fit it in. Have a great weekend!

  7. I'm reading Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese. It's absolutely amazing. Here's a line from the chapter I'm currently on: "in the eighth grade I went on my first-ever real camping trip to the mountains with a group from my school."
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂❤📚

  8. I've been eyeing Nancy Mehl's books at my library. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ooh, Mind Games sounds rather fun! Hope you enjoy it. And a nice little haul this week too. :D

    My weekly roundup post.

  10. We are all doing the best we can. Sometimes even trying to meet a small daily reading commitment is impossible. Life has also gotten in the way of my reading this month, but I know it won't be this way forever.

    I post all my reviews on Goodreads and on my blog. I review everything I read.

  11. Sometimes life takes precedence but that doesn't mean we don't miss our reading time! Hope you can get more time this week!

  12. Yup, life can get so crazy sometimes! I've already had a few weeks this year where I just could not read anything! By the time my head hit the pillow at night I was out lol! Great looking books though - I hope you get through some of your current read!

  13. Your books all sound good. I hope you find time to read them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. MIND GAMES looks intense.

    Enjoy all of your books and your week.

  15. I'm almost positive that I've read Mind Games, though I could be wrong.

  16. I can't imagine not reading every day. But at least you are getting in the Bible reading. I do that first each morning before I turn on the fiction audio.
    I have enjoyed several books by Nancy Mehl.
    Your book haul looks good. Happy Reading!


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