
Monday, July 19, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/19/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

Another warm week ahead with some rain.  I am always amazed at how much a good thunderstorm drops the temperature.

On today's to-do list: 

I'm writing this on Sunday but first thing Monday morning we take Laken to the orthopedic surgeon (along with the disc of her knee MRI) to see what is going on.  Prayers are very much appreciated that it is nothing serious!

Happening this week:

Plans for the wedding are coming along at a rather rapid pace now.  Only less than 4 weeks left to go.  I don't know how I'm feeling now that it is getting so real.  Kaylee won't be far away (the house they are buying is only 10 minutes from us) but at the same time it will be so different.

I finally looked at the school calendar for Laken and she goes back on Monday, August 23rd.  She's not thrilled about the idea.  She'll be a Freshman in the high school.  She has her mind made up that all the upper classmen hate Freshmen and it is going to be terrible.  I just pray that everything with her knee is situated before school starts.

The hubby is on third shift this week.  His favorite.  For real.  Some people think that is crazy but it works for him and for the family.

Saturday we'll be going to a zoo with Laken's Youth Group from Church.  I'm looking forward to the day trip.

Currently reading:

Reading fiction just did NOT happen this week.  I decided to try a nonfiction book that I saw in the store and really intrigued me.  I started reading "The 10 Commandments of Marriage" by Ed Young on Saturday night.  If it turns out to be really good, I'm going to pass it on to Kaylee and Shawn as they are getting ready to embark on their new marriage journey.

On the TV:

We didn't manage to sit down to watch "Black Widow" this past weekend.  I'm hoping to have a family movie night soon, though.

Listening to:

This week I featured "Made to Fly" by Colton Dixon on Songs on Sunday.  I hope you'll check it out :)

On the menu week:

Not done yet :(  Need to get this done!

Monday ~  
Tuesday ~ 
Wednesday ~ 
Thursday ~  
Friday ~ 
Saturday ~ 
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I didn't even pick my hook up this week.  My neck was out of place and I had a headache all week.  I managed to get to the chiropractor on Saturday morning and it is feeling SO much better.  I need to get back in the groove or I'm not going to get Kaylee and Shawn's Wedding Afghan done in time!

Picture from the Camera

My SIL, Kelly, found these dish towels and just had to buy them as a wedding gift.  Now Shawn won't be able to say that he can't dry dishes when his name is ACTUALLY on the towel!

Memory Verse

"Blessed are those whose way is blameless, Who walk in the Law of the Lord."  Psalm 119:1

Have a great Monday!



  1. 4 weeks is getting close but I am sure your project will be done. Kids here go back to school the first week of August here they will be glad to be back to normal this year.

  2. That's when school starts up again here, they passed a law last year that school couldn't start until the 3rd week in August. They'd been starting so early, almost no summer. Prayers for a good news on the MRI and a great Freshman year and of course, a successful wedding. Have a great week!

  3. Hoping all went well with the MRI.
    Have a great end of the week


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