
Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/12/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

Nice temperatures but this week looks very cloudy with thunderstorms.  However cliché, we do need the rain.

On today's to-do list: 

I have an eye doctor appointment this afternoon and have to get groceries at some point thereafter.

Annalea will be haning out with me too :) 

Happening this week:

The countdown is on for the wedding!  Only 34 more days!  We had a surprise Bridal Shower for Kaylee on Saturday afternoon.  My sister-in-law, Kelly, did the brunt of the work and did a wonderful job at it.  She could be an event planner in all seriousness.  Kaylee's vacation for their honeymoon was approved.  Also, the appraisal on the house Kaylee and Shawn are buying is set for Tuesday.

Laken has to have an MRI on her knee to see what is going on.  The X-ray showed something so now she has the MRI on Friday and sees an orthopedic surgeon next Monday.  So no Volleyball until we see what is being shown on the X-ray.  Prayers are appreciated that nothing serious is going on!

The hubby is on daylight this week so I'll get to see him in the evening/night.  We need to get in his closet to see if his suit fits him for the wedding.  He bought and wore it to escort Kaylee to the Fall Foliage Queen Festival her junior year of high school and it hasn't seen the light of day since!  The hubby is NOT at all the "dressy" sort.  Jeans and t-shirts are his everyday attire and Sundays are khakis and a polo shirt.  I know we'll have to buy him a pair of shoes at the very least.

Saturday we have birthday party to attend for a little girl in our Church.  Layna Bee will be 2 years old and is the sweetest little thing.  Every weekend this summer is booked until after the wedding!

Currently reading:

I decided to start a new book hoping that it will get me out of my reading drought.  I really want to try to read at least a bit each day but so far this week has been a bust and I haven't even touched my Kindle.  Starting Monday, I'm going to really strive to read some before bed to relax instead of just falling onto my pillow and zoning out.  I picked "Hard Landing" by Edie James to try to read this week.

On the TV:

Hot Mess House

Laken is pining to see the new "Black Widow" movie but we just didn't have time this weekend to sit down and watch it.  I'm hoping maybe this Friday to purchase it on Disney+ and sit down for a Family Movie Night.

Listening to:

This week I featured Stand In Faith by Danny Gokey on Songs on Sunday.  I hope you'll check it out :)

On the menu week:

Not done yet :(

Monday ~  
Tuesday ~ 
Wednesday ~ 
Thursday ~  
Friday ~ 
Saturday ~ 
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I have been hooking away on Kaylee and Shawn's Afghan all week which is another reason I haven't taken time to read.  I finished all the squares, tied in all the ends and got the squares crocheted together.  I'm gong to be crocheting a total of 11 rounds of border.  I have 2 rounds finished.  I wanted to get it down by the Bridal Shower, but now my goal is the Wedding.  34 days.  It can be done :)

Picture from the Camera

Friday evening, we had a Church outing to the local AAA baseball field, the Altoona Curve.  Dex and Laken got along really well and we had a great time.  That is "Aunt Kelly"  (my SIL) photobombing in the back!  She is so much fun!

Memory Verse

" ‘Oh, Lord God! Behold, You Yourself have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! Nothing is too difficult for You,"  Jeremiah 32:17

Have a great Monday!



  1. I hope you are able to finish the afghan in time. Have a nice week!

  2. Wow Wedding almost here. Ennoy the time before the wedding crazy starts. Have a blessed week.

  3. Lots going on with you, hope you get a minute to breathe in all the excitement and that Laken's knee is nothing serious. Have a great week!

  4. Lots of fun looking forward to seeing the wedding pictures.
    Sending you positives thoughts for laken's MRI.

    Have a great week

  5. Love Danny Gokey :) Praying for Laken's MRI and hoping you get some answers so she can start feeling better.

    Have a blessed week.

  6. So exciting all the fun you have to look forward to Friend! I can't believe it's coming that soon. Fingers crossed for the afghan. 😉 And prayers Laken's MRI goes well. Have a lovely rest of the week. xo


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