
Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ 6/24/2021


I haven't written a post highly "The Good Stuff" for quite a while.  Time to remedy that!  

~Kaylee!  I haven't really posted anything here on the blog about Kaylee and the last few weeks of health issues.  Now that we are on the other side of it I feel like I can talk about it a bit.  A few weeks ago we spent 3 days at the hospital which ultimately ended with Kaylee having surgery to remove her gallbladder.  She's all healed now but during the testing one of the doctors thought he/she saw a lesion on  her liver.  Monday she had a CT Scan of the liver and everything is good!  Praise the Good LORD!  Now we can focus on the wedding and getting her married off :)  Oh, and she turned 20 years old on the 13th while all this was going down!

~Laken!  As I write this, Laken is spending her last evening with my brother, SIL and nephew at Ocean City, MD.  They were kind enough to ask her to tag along!  She is having an amazing time.  The only other time she had seen the ocean was in 2012 when she was 5 and we took the girls to Disney World and Daytona Beach.  She remembers very little about that trip.  So for all intents and purposes, this was her first time at the ocean.  Wednesday they went to Assateague Island and saw the wild horses.  She was in awe and is already planning another trip to the ocean next summer :)  Here are just a few of the pictures that she sent to us over the course of the week:

~The Hubby!  I want to mention that the hubby also had a birthday earlier this month.  He's comes in just a LITTLE bit over 20 at a sweet 53 years old.  I seriously could not ask for a better husband, father for our girls, or provider.  Love you, Babe!

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Very thankful for summer, the end of school, and time with my youngest son before he gets married next month.

  2. Very thankful for summer, the end of school, and time with my youngest son before he gets married next month.

  3. So glad you daughter is recovered and I love the pictures your other daughter sent. That looks like a wonderful place to visiting.

  4. Great news ! Love the pictures. Our good news : a friend came through brain surgery and recovering at home. Shes doing well.

  5. Glad your daughter is better and wedding are exciting. Our good news is a friend is recovering from brain surgery and now home.

  6. My grand daughter would love seeing those horses. Nothing better than the beach!

    1. I've never seen the wild horses at Assateague but I would love to!

  7. I’m very thankful for small and simple pleasures.

    1. Small, simple pleasures are what makes life special!

  8. Such a wonderful post filled with good news, love and smiles! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I would love to see those horses, too. Thanks for linking up.

  10. Beautiful waves!Your daughter really going through eh? Kids getting married is an awesome experience, but being a grand parent is even better:) Jeshie2

    1. Yep! August 14th :) I look forward to being a grandparent but it can wait a few years :)


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