
Monday, June 21, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 6/21/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Also:  Happy Belated Father's Day to the dads and Happy 41st Anniversary to my parents!  I thank God for them all!

The weather outside is:

Last week we were at Family Church Camp and the weather was crazy!  I wore my hoodie almost all week!  I'm glad to see some warmer temperatures coming this week.

On today's to-do list: 

Laken will head out dark and early Monday morning for Ocean City with my brother ad SIL: Uncle and Aunt Kelly.  My nephew Andrew too, of course.  She'll have a great time and I'm so appreciative that they always include her on their adventures.

Kaylee went back to work Sunday night after being off for two weeks.  It is going to be hard for her to get back into a routine.  Especially since she is working 3rd shift now instead of second.

Annalea will be coming to stay with me during the day and then after her Momma picks her up, the hubby and I need to go for groceries.

Other than that I'll be trying to complete my normal day-to-day tasks.

Happening this week:

Of course, Laken will be at the ocean and Kaylee will be working.  The hubby will also be working on daylight this week.

It is a pretty ordinary week otherwise.  One thing that is exciting on my schedule is that Saturday we go back to David's Bridal for Kaylee's dress fitting to see what alterations need made.  It fit her like a glove, so we got the right size.  The only problem I can see is that she got my height and the length will need taken up.  I'm interested to see how they do it as the hem is very intricate.

Currently reading:

I am sorry to sorry to say that I haven't picked up my Kindle in the last VERY BUSY few weeks.  With things slowing down this week, I do want to try to finish "Aloha Hideaway Inn" by Elana Johnson.

On the TV:

I don't know if I'd count it as me watching TV but I did take a nap on the couch while the hubby was watching Star Wars: Rebels!  lol  Other than that the only reason I've turned the TV on was to listen to music on The Message.

Listening to:

This week I featured "Faith" by Jordan Feliz on Songs on Sunday.  I hope you'll check it out :)

On the menu week:

Monday ~  OUT
Tuesday ~ Spaghetti, garlic bread
Wednesday ~ Shake-n-Bake Chicken, Alfredo Noodles
Thursday ~  Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes
Friday ~ Ham Pot Pie
Saturday ~ Toasted Cheese, Tomato Soup
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I really need to get the crochet hook fired up and work on Kaylee and Shawn's afghan.  I still have 16 granny squares to crochet before I can sew them together and crochet the border.  I have one month until the shower.  Can I get it done?  I'm going to try!

Picture from the Camera

My very special cousin (more like a little brother) and his lovely wife are expecting their first baby!  I'm so excited.  Isn't this picture adorable?

Memory Verse

"For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"  Mark 8:36

Have a great Monday!



  1. Wow thats exciting about the dress fitting. They can do amazing things with alteratilns to wedding dress. Good luck getting your crochet project finished. You can do it.

    1. The dress fitting went well this morning. We were able to get Kaylee's dress pinned as well as Laken's bridesmaid dress fitted. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Congrats on the upcoming baby in the family. Can't wait to see pictures of the dress. Haven't had shake'n'bake chicken is sooo long!

    Have a great week

    1. We're so excited about a new little one on the way! The hubby and daughter love shake'n'bake!

  3. What an adorable way to announce the new baby :D I had to laugh at your description of watching TV - sounds like us here too these days. I wish I could buy a dress that fit like a glove! Have a GREAT week.

    1. I bought a dress this morning to wear to the wedding but am NOT happy with how I look. Then again, I rarely am! lol

  4. Awww I love that picture of the pup with the sonogram, what a sweet way to announce a pregnancy.

    I laughed about your watching TV, that's usually how it goes for me and my husband hahahahah

    Have a wonderful week,

  5. Congrats to your cousin, what a cute picture! And a dress fitting sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. The fitting went well. Now to wait to get it back in 4 weeks!

  6. Isn't it crazy how we wait for summer to come so we can 'relax' and then we end up having so much to do instead! Goodness! I'm glad that the dress fitting worked well and I love the announcement photo! how cute! I hope you have an amazing week!

    1. I'm planning on having some "relax" time soon! We all need it :)


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