
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Blogging Challenge ~ Best Part of Each Season ~ 6/16/2021

This week's topic is:  

The Best Parts of Each Season:

First:  Happy Soon-to-be-SUMMER!!!!

I assume that is why we are talking about the seasons today.  It should be interesting to read everyone's different view points on this topic!

Winter:  Christmas is of course a big deal in Winter.  I love Christmas but am in no hurry to get there.  I'm already seeing people posting how many days until Christmas on Facebook!  Another favorite aspect of Winter for me is Groundhog's Day.  Not because it is when good ole Phil comes out to see us but because it is the day my second baby girl was born in 2007 :)

Spring:  Spring USUALLY means the beginning of nicer weather.  (Not so much this year.)  However, MY birthday is just a few short days after the official first day of Spring so I always look forward to that.  I'm the kind of person that LOVES my birthday :)  (The hubby and Kaylee were born in the first part of June, so technically they are Spring babies also, but I always think of them as being born in the Summer.)

Summer:  Ahhh....Summer!  We've made it through another long Winter and crazy Spring.  Always such a good feeling.  One of my very favorite days of Summer is the Fourth of July.  I love the cookouts and fireworks and spending time with family celebrating the birth of the U.S.A :)  I can't wait!

Fall:  I absolutely adore Fall.  It might even be my favorite season of all.  I love crisp air after the suffocating heat of Summer.  I love the coziness of a wearing a sweater around a campfire.  AND our Wedding Anniversary is in the Fall.  (at least I consider September 17th the Fall).

So, what do you think are the best parts of each season?  



  1. Interesting. My feelings are :
    Spring - I love the crisp mornings that lead into much warmer days. I love the newness that is around us.

    Summer - my husband and I are both June babies so we love the summer. Plus, summer brings camping, warm days, grandbabies playing outside, etc.

    Fall - the crisp air, sweaters, hoodies, sweatshirts, camping, campfires, all things pumpkin, a colorful event of nature

    Winter - sweaters, my fireplace, Christmas and my snowmen. My daughters are both winter babies ( Feb. and Dec.)

  2. My answer is here, but generally I prefer fall and winter to spring and summer: cooler, and gentler on my sinuses.

  3. Crisp autumn air is such a relief after a hot summer!

    My post:


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