
Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Good Stuff ~ 3/4/2021

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~A Baby Shower!  Steph is getting ready to pop!  She has less than 5 weeks until baby girl Annalea Marie makes her appearance.  After Church on Sunday, we had a Baby Shower to show Steph how much she is loved and appreciated.  It is hard work building a baby and she deserved to be showered with love!  It was lots of fun and CAKE!  There was CAKE!  :)

~March!  I am ever so glad that February is over and we have moved on to the month of March!  I'll be even more excited next Saturday when we Spring Forward!

~New Author!  Ivy Hart is a fun new-to-me author I discovered this week.  You can read about her first book of the Jardin Sisters HERE .  Isn't this cover gorgeous?

~Good Doctor's Appointment!  Yesterday I had my annual check-up with my family doctor.  Everything has been on an even keel medicine-wise for me (knock on wood!) so nothing major to talk about.  I go next week for routine blood work and yearly mammogram.  Gotta take care of myself :)

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. Yay for baby showers and good health

  2. Sounds like March is going to be a fabulous month for you. Excellent.

    Have a great Thankful Thursday. ♥

  3. Hooray for good doctor's appointments. I saw mine this morning and all was well for me, too! I am glad spring is on its way, but am not looking forward to the dark mornings at all. For some reason I can handle the dark evenings better than the dark mornings. Have a blessed day!

  4. I'm glad your check up went well and hooray for a new baby coming soon, that's really wonderful. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Those are some AMAZING thankfuls!

  6. The older I get, the more I understand the need to take care of myself - glad you had a good appointment.
    Baby shower cake is just the yummiest & so fun to celebrate with!

  7. Glad you had a good Dr.'s appointment. They are priceless! Thanks for linking up!


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