
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Book Review ~ What to Do With a Dastardly Duke by Ivy Hart ~ 3/2/2021


Title:  What to Do With a Dastardly Duke by Ivy Hart
Series:  The Jardin Sisters Book #1
Pages:  64
Date Published:  January 12, 2021


Alison Jardin is determined. The oldest of her sisters and by far the most strident, she will keep her independence even if it means swearing off marriage forever. Yes, their small cottage on the edge of the Waltham Estate is crumbling to pieces, yes, their kitchen garden and assorted animals are growing unruly, but she won't give herself up to any gentleman. Especially someone like the pedantic, sarcastic Tarquin Black, Duke of Waltham, who seems to find any excuse possible to upbraid Alison for minor inconveniences.

One unlucky day, an escaped pig brings her once more into Tarquin Black's path. But talking to the duke at length brings more curiosity than irritation... and has she ever noticed quite how nice his eyes are?

Falling for Tarquin Black is the last thing she intends to do. But destiny may very well have other plans..
My Thoughts:
I've been in a semi-reading slump with a few DNF's lately.  I needed a fun, quick read to get back in the groove and that is what I got with this book!

I'm always a bit skeptical when I read a new-to-me author.  Is it going to be enjoyable?  Is it going to be irritating?  Is it going to be well-written?  So many factors go into making a book readable.

Alison's and Tarquin's characters were so much fun!  Their banter and sarcasm was hilarious.  Don't even get me started on the scene with Wilson, the pig :)  

I have to admit there were a few typos and grammatical errors that I caught but I was so enjoying the storyline that I didn't mind!

From the beginning to the end this book was entertaining!

I can't wait to read more about the lives of the Jardin sisters and, I hope, more of Alison and Tarquin :)  I already have the second book of the series downloaded.

I read this book through Kindle Unlimited.

Onto the next book!

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