
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Thankful Thursday ~ 2/18/2021

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~Kaylee is safe and sound!  We had a scare last week when during one of the many snowstorms we've had this February, Kaylee slid off the road on her way home from work.  She had no cell service and had to walk to the nearest farmhouse to use their phone to call.  (We were getting ready to head out and find her when she called from the farmhouse.)  There was lots of praying and thanksgiving that she was OK but she was still an anxious mess.

~A Long Weekend!  Not only was it Valentine's Day but it was a long weekend.  Both girls were off for President's Day Monday and then we had ice on Tuesday.  Thankfully, no school for Laken and Kaylee was also off on Tuesday and didn't have to work.  The hubby also took off due to the ice and spent all day outside de-icing the driveway.  It was nice not having to worry about them after Kaylee's incident last week.  Now to get through the rest of the winter!

~Shawn got a promotion!  Shawn, Kaylee's boyfriend (of 5 years!) got a promotion at work.  It came with more responsibility and a nice raise.  He's such a hard worker and deserves it all!

~A Walk in the Snow!  And ice but it was so good to get outside.  The whole family bundled up and went out to play and get some fresh air.  Here are some pictures of our "excursion".

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 



  1. So thankful your daughter was safe and not injured in her road mishap. I know how easily that can happen and can remember our son having to call us from stranger's homes when the same thing happened to him when we lived in NH. So thankful for kind people who allowed him to come inside to make a phone call. God has His special angels out there to help us when we need it most. We are thankful that we don't have snow and ice here in Florida, but we are praying for all who do and those who are without power or heat. It's been a very hard week for many people. I enjoyed your post very much.

  2. We are winter lovers at our house, but we don't like the ice at all. It really wrecks everything and it is so very dangerous on foot or in a vehicle. Glad everyone is alright at your place.

  3. We are sure glad that Kaylee is okay, that had to be pretty scary! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. Isn't it great to be able to get outside?

  5. So glad your daughter is okay. I had the same thing happen to me back when I was in college. I was driving home, slid on a curve, no cell service and had to go to a nearby farm to ask to call. Scary. We also took a couple family snow walks this week. It is good for the soul. :) Hope you are having a good Thursday!

  6. I'm so glad it worked out well for poor Kaylee - yay! Enjoy your walk everyone.

  7. Oh my goodness! So good to hear that Kaylee is in good shape! Scary accident! Have a lovely day!

  8. Those are some very good Thankfuls. So glad Kaylee is alright

  9. So glad to hear Kaylee is okay! There are sure some worries and heart-stopping moments when we turn them loose behind the wheel. We had some ice on Sunday, but all the "big storm" brought us was a LOT of rain Monday night. Of course now it's all frozen into a big layer of ice under the snow...but that's another story. Have a great weekend!

  10. So grateful to hear your daughter is ok. I am grateful when schools close or the weather forces us to stay homr. The weather has been horrible everywhere and I am just grateful some things are getting back to normal. I prefer more snow to the icy cold kind. But we sure can not pick or choose what we want. I post at both of my blogs but I am linked with Brian at Thank you for showing us your photos and it good to meet you here.

  11. Such wonderful thankful things. Life is so sweet sometimes.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  12. So glad that Kaylee ended up safe! Our son slid off the road this past week going to work. Whew...being a parent involves a lot of worry. Thanks for linking up.

  13. What a fright, glad she is ok. I slid of the road last year due and it gave me such a fright but I was fine, the car had barely a scratch and it’s made me even more cautious.


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