
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wednesday Hodgepodge ~ 1/13/2021
1. When were you last a guest at an event or in someone's home? Tell us about it. Do you enjoy having guests in your own home? 

Saturday evening, we went to my Aunt's house for a game night.  I enjoy having people over but I enjoy going a bit more.

2. What has you 'tied up in knots' currently or recently? Are you any good at tying actual knots? 

Worrying about my oldest, Kaylee, driving home in the bad weather really worries me.  Luckily so far this winter has been fairly mild at least snow/ice wise.  We could use some rain though...  As for actual knots, I don't have many knot tying abilities but I am pretty good at getting knots OUT of my yarn :)

3. What's something you've been wanting to do and have decided 2021 will be the year you 'take the plunge'? 

The ever present:  lose weight!  I'd like to lose at least 1 lb per week this year.  So far I'm on track!

4. Something in your home that's old? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue? 

Old: I have a tea fob that was my great-grandmother's.  New: My computer!  whoowhoo  Borrowed: Can't think of anything.  Blue: Everything in the main part of the house.  Blue is my Mom's favorite color and she decorates everything with it :)

5. Share a favorite quote, a verse of scripture, and/or a bit of wisdom for couples getting married in this challenging and seemingly unpredictable season we're currently/still experiencing. 

"Husbandslove your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,"  Ephesians 5:25

It all comes down to love :)

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

This is the first Hodgepodge I've participated in for almost 2 years!  I used to participate regularly and intend to once again :)

I'd love to return the visit!  Please leave a comment and a link!


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Nice to see you back. Good luck with the weight loss and well done on your start.

  2. I don't enjoy the feeling of having loved ones driving in bad weather either! I tend to always have a sigh of relief when they make it home safely.

    Congratulations on being on track with your weightloss. I'd like to shed pounds this year as well.


    1. Yes, seeing those headlight coming up the driveaway is always a relief. Thanks for stopping by: )

  3. Colletta,

    Excellent scripture for husbands. God not only wants husbands and wives to love one another but to respect. The latter can get overlooked sometimes. I started the hodgepodge before the holidays after many years of being away. I'm now trying to get back into the groove. :) Have a good day!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Yes, love and respect are essential. I think if you have love, the respect should naturally follow.

  4. My oldest got married on the second, so he can use marital advice :) I'm sure he's already aware of this scripture, but it's a great reminder for him and for all of us!

  5. Welcome back Colletta! Best of luck on your Weight Loss journey!!


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