
Monday, January 25, 2021

Tuesday 4 ~ Rejoice! ~ 1/26/2021

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

Lets rejoice today!

1. What makes you rejoice the most?

First I'd thought I'd start with the definition of "rejoice":  feel or show great joy or delight.  So what makes me feel or show great joy or delight?  I think what delights me is when I see my girls (Kaylee-19 and Laken-almost 14) get along and even enjoy each other's company.  It doesn't happen often enough for this mama's heart!

2. What song makes you feel joyful or happy?

I think sometimes in life "joy" is something you have to choose.  Thereafter, I've picked the following song for this question:

3. Do sounds of nature give you a joyous feeling?

Yes, it does!  I love sitting outside on my porch swing listening to the birds.  Long ago, when the girls were little we had 2 parakeets.  I loved hearing them chirp in the mornings :)

4. How about holidays? Do you really rejoice or just kind of show up?

Most of the time I rejoice if all I have to do is show up!  If you know what I mean.  Sometimes all the prep-work it takes for holiday fun can steal the joy right out of a person.  I have to make a conscious effort to limit my stress so that I can rejoice to the fullest :)


P.S.  I hope you can stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Colletta,

    I understand how holiday prep can steal your joy. That's why years ago I began getting things done the week before, trying to limit myself to one or two things each day leading up to the big celebration. That helped tremendously to put the dishes into the freezer to pull out to heat when needed. for King & Country is a fabulous group! Thanks for sharing your responses. I enjoyed reading them. ;)

    Curious as a Cathy

  2. Great song! For King and Country is one of my favorite Christian groups. We used to have parakeets, too. They drove everyone else nuts, but I loved their singing. One we had would sing every time someone ran water. I miss those little guys...but maybe not so much their messiness. lol

    1. The mess was my hubby's responsibility. I had my hands full with the girls!

  3. ahh.. sitting on the porch swing.. I love that idea. Great joyful song too.

  4. You know as hard as it it, I sort of rejoice in the prep for holidays as well. Even if I have do some of it sitting down these days... It is all because of the love for whom Im doing it!

    1. I enjoy the prep as well as log as I'm not rushed. Have a great rest of the week!

  5. Yes, sitting on the porch swing and listening to the birds kind of day. I don't have a swing, but I have a park bench in the yard and I love to sit there and listen and watch. Yes, the prep part of the holidays is something I don't enjoy, but I love the actual day and all of the festivities and happiness surrounding it. I love it when others come alongside to help and make it a little easier on me, but still, I wouldn't NOT have it for the world!

    1. My Mom and I work together on most holiday prep so it isn't quite so much on one person. I actually enjoy the preparations and planning :)

  6. I just love listening to the birds! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  7. I love that song! Makes me want to jump up and dance in joy!


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