
Monday, January 18, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Books I Meant to Read in 2020 ~ 1/19/2021

Books I Meant to Read In 2020 but Didn’t Get To:

(Click on the cover to go to the Goodreads page)

These first five are Christmas reads that I didn't get to.  I had every intention of reading one book a week during December and these were my picks.  I ended up reading none :(

These next five are books that I downloaded and fully intended to read "right away".  They somehow got buried in my Kindle as I downloaded more books.  Right now I'm reading "Wyatt" by Susan May Warren so that will take one off the list :)

Are there any books you meant to read in 2020 but didn't get to?  I'd love to hear!

Please leave a comment with the link to your Top Ten Tuesday post so I can return the visit :)


P.S.  I'd love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Wyatt and Becky's Wade I have in my tbr. Here is my list:

    1. I love Becky Wade but haven't read anything by her in a LONG time. I'm excited to get to it :) I'll be by soon!

  2. I haven't heard of the majority of these books but I love the look of How to Bake A Murder! I really want to read more cozies this year and that looks like a fun one to add to the TBR 😍 I hope you manage to read these this year!

    1. I've already marked "Wyatt" off my list as I finished it late last night after posting this! I love cozy mysteries but don't get to read them very often. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

    My post.

    1. Me, too! Hopefully I get to read them sometime soon :)

  4. Lots of holiday books! Maybe you could do a Christmas in July and get them read before next year's holidays.

  5. I know the feeling! I have SOOO many books buried in my Kindle. Ebooks get lost so easily for me since they're not my preferred format. I always forget what I've downloaded, especially since I get a lot of e-ARCs from NetGalley and Edelweiss.

    I hope you enjoy these books if/when you get to them.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I've just started reading on a Kindle in April and I have so many books! I can't stop downloading! lol

  6. I hope you can get to all of these this year!


  7. I had quite a few Christmas books I was wanting to read that I just didn't get to either. Time kinda got away from me. I really enjoyed that Becky Wade book. Wyatt was great too. The entire Montana Marshalls series was so good! :)

    1. I just couldn't get into reading this Christmas... I look forward to reading more Becky Wade soon.

  8. This is a great list! I love holiday books. :) I hope you get to read these this year!

    1. I'm all set and ready to go for next Christmas! lol

  9. So many books so little time, am I right? Hope you manage to get around to these. Happy reading! My TTT

  10. I had a lot of Christmas books I did not get to as well. There were so many of them this year. I am doing a Christmas in July readathon, so hope to get a few read then. Nice list.

    1. Someone else suggested doing a Christmas in July feature. I'll have to think about it :)

  11. Can you make yourself read Christmas books when it isn't Christmastime? I can't. Good luck getting to your books. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    1. I can't read book other than Christmastime either. I don't know if I could do a Christmas in July...

  12. Oooh! Some interesting Christmas books here! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  13. I loved House at the End of the Moor! I have Wyatt (and that whole series) waiting for me to read, too.

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading House at the End of the Moor! The entire Montana Marshalls series is so good. I only have Ruby Jane to read yet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :)

  14. Happy Reading, if you have the chance to read these books this year! Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  15. Replies
    1. I do too. December was just a bust for me with reading!

  16. How to Bake a Murder looks so cute!! Great list!

  17. Holiday reads are so fun (even if we don't read them until after the holidays!).

    1. I think I'll have to wait until next Christmas!

  18. Lots of Christmas reads, I see. I had to chuckle when I saw the title "How to bake a murder". Reminded me of one of my childhood stories, Max and Moritz. Happy Reading!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  19. I haven't read any of these.
    I hope you are able to read them this year!

  20. I hadn't heard of any of these, but I hope you get to them soon and enjoy! :)

    1. Thanks! I already completed "Wyatt" so that is one off the list :)

  21. What an intriguing list! How to Bake a Murder looks especially good.

  22. I hope you get to all of them this year! Happy reading and thanks for visiting my blog earlier. :)

  23. Christmas romances always look so fun, but I'm just not a holiday/seasonal reader. Maybe one day I'll try to get one or two in to see what the hype is about. lol.

    Hope you enjoy all these when you get around to them, and thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!


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