
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/28/2021

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~Goodreads Challenge!  I'm ahead on my Goodreads Challenge!  I set my 2021 goal for 26 books and so far I'm 2 book ahead of schedule.  Go me!

~Hannah's Birthday!  Last Friday was Laken's friend Hannah's birthday.  With school being virtual and hybrid, they hadn't seen each other since October!  (thank goodness for modern technology that these kids can keep in touch)  To celebrate Hannah's 14th, I picked Laken up at school and then we got some frozen hot chocolates for Hannah and her little sister.  We stopped by their house (pre-planned) and Laken was able to see Hannah and give her a gift along with the frozen hot chocolates.  We didn't stay long as we were standing outside talking (appropriately distanced) but I know it was good for the girls to see each other!

~Vanilla Cookie Crunch!  I mentioned in my "Hey, It's Okay" post that I started burning my new candle before finishing the last one.  That is because Vanilla Cookie Crunch is seriously one of the best smelling candles I've ever had the pleasure of owning.  The only problem is that it makes me want to bake :)

~Lilah in Socks!  Laken was playing in the snow on Monday and decided when she came in to put her fuzzy socks on Lilah.  Lilah didn't mind it at all and I must admit it was cute and made me chuckle to see her walking around the house with socks on.  Bunny socks, even :)

~Snow Day!  We had some nasty weather on Monday/Tuesday.  Kaylee and Doug were both able to take snow days and stay home safe and sound.  Laken is on virtual schooling this week so we didn't have to worry about her.  I truly don't mind winter weather as long as my loved ones aren't traveling in it!

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. That candle sounds amazing!! Yay for being ahead on your challenge!!

  2. Now I need to go get some socks & put on my dogs just because :) We used to put boots on our aussie when it snowed & it made her hate walking in it - I need to do that with our puppy to make him not like it - the other two dont care & think snow is the best thing in the world. The snowballs on their fur is a NIGHTMARE after

    1. Did you put socks on your dog? I need pictures if you did :)

  3. I love a vanilla candle! Gonna go light mine now...

  4. I didn't set any book goals for the year but now I wonder if I should. lol Congrats for being so far ahead.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to stay ahead but I am also realistic :)

  5. Candle looks good and a doorstep chat on a birthday sounds great too. We're not even supposed to be doing those at the moment - sigh! (But people still are.) I have a reading goal too - keeps me motivated. Love the socks on the dog. She must be good natured to keep them on. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. I set my goal at 26 but am secretly hoping for 52 books this year...Lilah is very good natured :)

  6. That was such a fun list of thankfuls and we all love Lilah's cute socks! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Lots of wonderful thankful things. I can smell the candle from here.

    Hope you had a fabulous Thankful Thursday.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥

    1. That candle does smell delicious! Happy Weekend!

  8. I am keeping a list of the books I am reading this year. It's fun to look back later and see the proof of exactly what my reading habits are.
    How sweet for Laken to celebrate Hannah's birthday like that.
    Have a good weekend!

    1. I use my blog as well as Goodreads to look back at the books I've read. Happy Weekend!

  9. I'm on track for my goodreads goal too. Hopefully it stays that way thru the year. I've found updating my progress regularly that lets me see the percentage read of each book really motivates me. How fun to do that for your daughter's friends birthday. Not seeing friends is especially hard on the young people when most are so social. That candle sounds lovely.

  10. Colletta, you have so many lovely things to be grateful for! What a beautiful post. I had a really intense moment of gratitude the other day while I was doing yoga in my bedroom. I became overwhelmed with gratitude that I have a safe, comfortable, quiet place to retreat to with candles and books and music and meditation and take care of my mental well being. I know that it is a luxury not afforded to everyone and so I appreciate it even more. Thanks for sharing what you are grateful and linking with me!



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