
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday ~ 1/14/2021

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~Chronological Bible Study!  My Mom, Aunt Donna and I got together Friday evening to discuss what we had read that week in our Chronological Bibles.  We had a great time talking and sharing what we'd learned and gleaned from the Word.  Laken even made brownies :)

~Game Night!  Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie invited us up on Saturday evening for a game night.  We had pizza, chips and dip and then tried to play 500 Rummy.  Kaylee and Laken just were NOT understanding the concept and rules of the game so we gave up and moved on to Dice.  It had been FOREVER since I'd played Dice but I ended up winning!  whoowhoo!

~Furnace and Water Pump!  We had issues with both the furnace and water pump the end of last week.  Thankfully all issues have been resolved and both are working just fine now :)

~Nitro Fixed!  I think I mentioned last week that the Nitro had to go into the shop.  Well, I got the call Monday that it was all fixed.  I'm thankful to have my Subaru back now that the hubby can take the Nitro to work :)

~Kaylee got a raise!  Kaylee's supervisor called her over Monday evening and told her she was getting $1.00 an hour raise!  I'm so proud of the woman she is turning into with an awesome work ethic :)

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Good job Kaylee!! That's an awesome raise!
    So how do you play Dice? I'm always up to learn a new game.
    I hate when big things go wrong in a house... especially all at once

    1. I had to relearn Dice as it had been so long since I played. You roll 5 dice and you have to try to get ones and fives. There are other objectives that get quite confusing and I don't know how to explain! lol You might be able to google it :)

  2. An unknown person left a gratitude journal on my front porch swing yesterday (though I have a likely suspect in mind). Looking for things to be grateful for is very helpful for me right now.

    1. That is so sweet. Being grateful is so important, especially in these times!

  3. Colletta,

    We used to enjoy game nights on the weekends when our kids were young. I miss that a lot. Congrats to Kaylee on the raise! It's always nice when an employer rewards their employees. So glad things broken are fixed. That's so frustrating and stressful. Have a blessed day!

    1. Yes! It seemed like one thing after another was breaking! Hoping we're good to go for a while now :)

  4. So glad you got all the stuff fixed. It's scary to me when things start breaking down. Congrats to Kaylee on getting a raise.

  5. Hurray for the raise! Those are the best words to hear.
    The Professor and I are doing the Chronological Bible with our daughter and grandson in a larger group. We meet on Monday nights to go over questions and help keep us on track.
    Have a good, healthy and safe week!

    1. Wonderful! It definitely helps to read along with others. Thanks for stopping by:)

  6. husband and I used to play Dice ALL THE TIME when we were on camping trips......before the children came much fun!!

    How wonderful for your daughter to get a raise! What does she do?

    How nice to do a Bible study with your aunt and mom. That's a great Bible....i own it and read it one year with my youngest daughter when she was 12.

  7. We LOVE camping! Kaylee works at a outdoor/camping equipment distribution center, REI. It has been a blessing reading/studying with Mom and Aunt Donna. We had a study last night and it was a great discussion time :)

  8. All good to hear! Always trying times when household things quit working. Thanks for linking up and stay well.

  9. Congrats on the pay raise! Good for her. Games night, can't remember the last time we had one of those. Sounds fun!


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