
Thursday, January 28, 2021

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 1/29/2021

All things bookish!

What I Read:

You can read the blurb and my review HERE!


What I'm Reading:


A secret venture, a regrettable love letter, and a heart he can't afford to lose.

Faced with her stepbrother’s betrayal and an unwanted marriage, Alice Rosemeyer accepts an invitation to the estate of Larkhall. Determined to earn her future security without a husband, she begins operating as the anonymous Ace of Hearts, writing love letters on behalf of the men eager to secure a match at the close of the London season. If she can manage to keep her identity secret, her reputation intact, and avoid the arrogant house guest, Mr. Thomas Herring, she might just call herself successful.

When Thomas Herring's sister marries an indebted man because of a love letter, he has no choice but to marry into money himself. Invited to stay at Larkhall, he sets his sights on the wealthy sister of his host. When she appears indifferent, he stumbles upon an advertisement: a gentleman offering assistance in matters of the heart. An ace, so he is called. But when he turns out to be she, and also a guest at the same house, his task is further complicated—especially as Alice proves herself to be as captivating as she is clever.

With reputations, secrets, and more than one heart at risk, Alice and Thomas become trapped in a game with no rules, a game neither intended to play. Had they been wrong to play love for a fool?

The Ace of Hearts is a sweet regency romance novel, book one in the Larkhall Letters series by Ashtyn Newbold.

First Lines:

Escape.  The word pattered softly through Alice Rosemeyer's mind like the rain that would soon fall against her window.

56%/Page 56

A deep scoff came through the air.  "How on earth could that be a good plan?"


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


When baker Penelope Quinn steps in to help her brother’s family through a medical crisis, she’s forced into close proximity with charming Air Force fighter pilot Eli Price.

Penelope has one iron-clad dating rule—she does not date airmen. Months ago, she relaxed her rule with Eli and immediately lived to regret it. After a long deployment, he’s now back in Misty River and, to her dismay, she finds him just as tempting as always.

Eli’s spent months thinking about funny, feisty, creative Penelope. He once leveraged his focus and drive to become a pilot, his childhood dream. Now he's set on leveraging that same focus and drive in order to convince Penelope to give him one more chance.

This romantic prequel novella introduces readers to the quaint mountain town of Misty River and a brand-new series from Christy-winning author Becky Wade!


What I Can't Wait To Read:


Natchez Trace Ranger and historian Emma Winters hoped never to see Sam Ryker again after she broke off her engagement to him. But when shots are fired at her at a historical landmark just off the Natchez Trace, she's forced to work alongside Sam as the Natchez Trace law enforcement district ranger in the ensuing investigation. To complicate matters, Emma has acquired a delusional secret admirer who is determined to have her as his own. Sam is merely an obstruction, one which must be removed.

Sam knows that he has failed Emma in the past and he doesn't intend to let her down again. Especially since her life is on the line. As the threads of the investigation cross and tangle with their own personal history, Sam and Emma have a chance to discover the truth, not only about the victim but about what went wrong in their relationship.


What I Was Reading 5 Years Ago:

Originally a feature called Last Year I Was Reading created by Maria from ReadingMaria
Literary Feline liked it enough to continue, but has tweaked it
 to feature Five Years Ago I Was Reading. 

See the Blurb and My Review HERE!


Book Haul:



Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  Do you share books? If so, do you have a system to keep track of whom you lend books to? (submitted by Elizabeth @ Silver's Reviews)

A. I'm a one-and-done kind of reader.  I only read books once and very rarely hold onto them.  When I'm done with a book, I pass it on to fellow book-loving friends with no expectations of ever seeing them again.  I would prefer that they get passed along to yet another reading enthusiast.

I started reading ebooks on my Kindle about 9 months ago, so that also takes care of having a stack of books with no where to put them.


Bookishly Yours,

Linking up to:


  1. Wonderful snippets, especially that opening!! Like the cover too! Happy weekend!

  2. I got rid of the vast majority of my books when an expanding family meant bookshelves had to go. I only started reading again when I got a kindle, and we can't lend ebooks in the UK, so lending books isn't something I do.
    I did discover the joy of rereading a book last year, before that I was also a one and done reader.

    1. I don't know if I'm able to share ebooks or not. I've not looked into it...

  3. Happy Friday!
    Over on my blog I'm sharing from Shadows of the White City by Jocelyn Green: It's a great story! Currently, though, I'm reading Beauty Among Ruins by J'Nell Ciesielski, so I'll share from there.
    "'What are you doing?' Lily's fingers fumbled with the ends of the linen as she double knotted them and Matron Strom stomped to a halt next to her."
    Hope you have a great weekend! 😀❤📚

  4. Your current read looks great to me. Visiting from the friendship friday blog hop.

  5. Happy Friday!!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line from The Hesitant Heiress by Dawn Crandall.
    "Miss Brigham, may I have a word with you?" Professor Silvious strolled down the aisle toward the stage of the Boston Conservatory of Music's auditorium.

    Have a lovely weekend! 📖

  6. What a nice scene-setting first line, and a lovely cover! I haven't read a Regency in quite a while -- maybe I should. :-)

    You saw my first line over on my blog, from The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin: "Colored ribbons of light poured from my fingers."

    Happy weekend!

    1. I love Regency romance. You should read one soon :)

  7. Happy Friday! My first line is from “Collision Course” by Elizabeth Goddard:

    “He’d never looked certain death in the face until today.”

  8. I like to reread, so I only keep a book if I plan on rereading it. Most of my books have to find new homes. I don’t have space to keep them.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Having no space is terrible and one of the main reasons I pass on books to other readers! Have a great weekend :)

  9. My first line is from The Vanishing at Loxby Manor by Abigail Wilson:
    I knew something was terribly wrong the moment I stepped foot back inside Loxby Manor- the pervasive restlessness of the servants, the strained silence of the front room.

  10. The Ace of Hearts sounds quite fun. It would be fun to be a professional matchmaker.

    I once kept over 5,000 books. Over the years I have gotten ride of all but about 200. Now I read and pass on in my Little Free Library (or any other way).

    1. I enjoy giving my books away for other to enjoy. How fun that you have a Little Free Library :)

  11. I love the cover of The Age of Hearts. There are a few books I love that I hang on to (and have re-read) but there are others that I don't care so much about reading again and I will share them with no expectation of getting them back. I also donate a number of books to a local literacy charity each year for their annual sale (where I then go a buy more books).

    1. Sharing with no expectation of getting them back is the best way!

  12. Enjoy those romances!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a great week as well :)

  13. Oh Obsession looks good, so does the foodie book, but what you are planning to read next sounds good too.

    1. They all sound good to me! I have a hard time deciding what to read next:)

  14. The Ace of Hearts sound good. I like the excerpts you shared. Picture Perfect has such a cute cover!

    I tend to read mostly e-books also. I do have a nice size physical book collection of read and unread books. Of my read books, I keep around ones I might like to re-read someday or have special meaning to me. (Or they are my husband's books and he won't let me get rid of them. LOL) I am not actually a big re-reader so I suppose it's silly to assume I will re-read most of the books I keep someday, but I never know . . .

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. I took all my unread (I've had them for years and didn't read them) to our Church's library. It freed up a whole bookcase and I still have access to them if I want to read them. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I'm with you--books are "in and out" and really I prefer ebooks so I don't have to fool with getting rid of them

  16. Instead of sharing books, I tend to give my books away. I keep very few books once I read them, but I love to share what I've read with I freely give the books away and just ask that whoever gets them passes them on when they are done. - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  17. I love the look of The Ace of Hearts. I've been reading tons of historical fiction lately. I'm on a roll. Have a great week!

  18. I keep a lot of books and give a lot away. Looks like you had a lot of good reading.

    1. I've been reading some great books lately. I'm loving my Kindle HD10:)

  19. Nice looking books! I read mostly on my Kindle which keeps my bookshelves from filling more. However, I do have a couple of thousand print keepers in my house. I don't usually lend my books to anyone but my brother who also lives here. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. A couple thousand? Where to you keep them all? I have absolutely no more room...

  20. Put a horse (or other animal) on the cover and I will look twice! I think I would rally like On His Bended Knee.
    I give print books away through my Friday Pick post.
    Have a good week and enjoy your reading!

  21. Take a Chance on Me is so good! I hope you enjoy it! And great Christian suspense pick for your CWW pick! Thanks for linking up!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  22. Well, living in Belgium and mostly reading books in English means that I don't know anyone in my real life who also reads in English so I don't have anyone to borrow books to 😂

  23. The Ace of Hearts and Obsession both sound good! Off to add them to my ever-growing TBR....

  24. I generally keep just the books I really loved and might want to read again or that I want on the shelf.

  25. I still love physical books, but I also read a lot more poetry and I find digital books lose the forms for the poems. But I do love reading digital while traveling, though not doing that these days.

    Have a great weekend


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