
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/1/2021

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

We made it through January 2021!  Happy February :)

The weather outside is:

Snow.  Snow.  Snow.  Snow.  SNOW!  (If you've ever seen "White Christmas" you know the tune I'm singing to...)  I've heard that we're supposed to get anywhere from 6 inches to 24 inches!  lol  As I'm writing this Sunday afternoon, we've gotten about 3 inches so far and it seems to have just started.  Please pray for safety for all those who have to travel in this nasty weather.

On today's to-do list: 

Due to the impending snow storm, we went for groceries Saturday morning.  The stores were nuts!  I guess we were right there with them, though :)  So my to-do list is to stay in and stay warm!

Happening this week:

Laken's birthday is Tuesday.  She turns 14 years old!  I can't believe my baby is 14!  Laken is "in-school" this week.  Kaylee is working her normal 2nd shift and Doug is working 3rd shift.  Other than Laken's birthday and a doctor's appointment, it is a pretty normal week...

Currently reading:

Last week I read "Panning For Love" by Meg Cross Wenig and loved it!  Now I'm getting ready to read "The Ace of Hearts" by Ashtyn Newbold, a new-to-me author.

On the TV:

NCIS (the original) ~I didn't realize that NCIS with Mark Harmon (my favorite) was back on and had a few episodes to catch up on.  SPOILER ALERT!!  Ellie and Torres!  Things are going to get interesting :)

The Prodigal Son ~ Did you see this week's episode?  Oh my!  It was creepier than usual and that is saying something!  lol  My favorite new(er) show!

Walker, Texas Ranger ~ This is a reboot of the CW.  I've seen the Pilot so far and it was really intriguing.  I'll definitely be watching more!

The Little Things ~ This is a new movie that became available at the theater and on HBO Max Friday.  We saw the preview for it last week and anxiously awaited the release date.  It was a drama/crime/psychological (I don't really know how to describe it...) movie.  I was sometimes confused?  I didn't know if it was confusion or just me trying to figure out what was going to happen next.  The acting was amazing.  Of course, Denzel Washington starred in the movie so, you know, it was good!

Listening to:

I featured  "Royal Blood" by Richlin   this week on Songs on Sunday.

On the menu week:

Monday ~ Pork Chops, sweet rice
Tuesday ~ Meatloaf, mashed potatoes
Wednesday ~ Spaghetti, garlic breadsticks
Thursday ~  Chicken, Stuffing
Friday ~ Ham Pot Pie
Saturday ~ Enchilada Stuffed Shells
Sunday ~ Potluck at Church

In the Craft Basket:

I was working on the "Linen Afghan" in the Beautiful Shells pattern for most of the week.  Then I got an order for a "Think Pink Prayer Shawl" so I whipped that up.  Now it is back to the "Linen Afghan".

Memory Verse

"You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you."  Psalm 86:5

Have a great Monday!


I'd love for you to stop by and give THE SHOP some love!


  1. White Christmas is one of our favorite movies and we love that "snow" scene!!!

  2. Stay safe in the snowstorm.
    Happy Birthday to your daughter.
    Great song to listen to. Your menu makes me hungry!
    Have a great week

    1. We're trying to stay safe! The hubby made it home safely this morning. Now I have to worry about my oldest daughter getting to work safely this afternoon...

  3. I need to look into the reboot of Walker Texas Ranger! Our stores were crazy here as well.. but we didnt' get the snow they were preditcing!

    1. I have the 2nd episode of Walker DVR'd and waiting for me. I hope I like it as much as the Pilot episode. We have about 6-7 inches of snow so, no, not as bad as they were predicting here either.

  4. Hope you stay safe during the snow storm! And YES, Prodigal Son was way creepier than normal last week. That show certainly doesn't disappoint. I've been wondering about the new Walker, Texas Ranger, the previews get me but then, I remember the original so I'm just not sure. LOL. Have a great week!

    1. I watched a few of the original Walker when I was younger but I don't really remember much so the new Walker is a nice surprise. Enjoy :)

  5. I really enjoyed my visit this evening. Your menus for the week look so delicious. I know where to come for inspiration. How wonderful your church is back to pot luck. I miss the fellowship at church l we only have about 1/4 of the folks coming while the rest watch online. Hopefully, we will all get back to normal soon!

  6. We are getting a lot of snow here too. Now what we needed, but now dealing with the shoveling. Stores here are either dead or super busy It depends on the weather and news.

  7. Hi there Friend!
    I hope you're not too buried in the white stuff. It's so funny that up here in the northwoods (where we usually get a ton of snow) we really haven't gotten a lot of snow this year. I hope you're staying cozy. It is wonderful for a lot of good tv time. 😉

  8. How did you make out with all the snow? We ended up with a good 18-inches. Sigh... I like snow, but not so much all at once, lol! Hope you're having a great week!

    1. We ended up with 10 inches. At least it wasn't 18!


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