
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

2021 Goals ~ Update #1 ~ Top Ten Tuesday (or 9)

I saw someone else in the blogging world do a goal update and I thought it might be a great way to remember my goals and actually see some progress throughout the year.  I'm also using this post for Top Ten Tuesday which is featuring 2021 Goals!

Without further ado:

1.  Read 26 Books.  I actually completed this goal last year so I decided to not mess with a good thing and will be keeping my goal at 26 books.  The only challenge I will be participating in will be the Goodreads Challenge for 2021.  I'm not a good reader when under pressure so I'm going to keep it fun!

I've been working on getting more reading time worked into my day.  Actually, any reading time will be better than before!  I haven't finished my first book yet, but hope to this week.

2.  Lose 52 lbs.  This was another goal from last year.  I did NOT complete this goal and it makes me a bit sad.  However, I'm going to try to keep it upbeat and strive for 1 pound a week once again.  

I've lost 3 pounds since the beginning of the year!  I hesitate to say that I'm ahead on this goal because I know it is a slippery slope to weight loss.   At least it is for me...

3.  Exercise 5 Days Per Week For 30-60 Minutes.  I got a treadmill for my birthday in March so no excuses!  I've already scheduled time into my daily planner.  Now I just need to do it!

I'm not doing very well on this goal :(  I plan on turning this around today!

4.  Daily Bible Study Time. I will be reading The One Year Chronological Bible this year along with my Mom and my Aunt Donna.  I'm excited to have some motivation and support to keep me accountable and on track.

I'm all up-to-date on my Bible reading plan!  I'm very excited about this one.  We had our first study time this past Friday evening and it went very well :)

5.  Ladies Bible Study.  We have a Ladies Bible Study time on Sunday mornings at 8am before Sunday School/Church.  My goal for 2021 is to be consistent in my attendance and participation.  To do that I need to also be consistent in completing the weekly lessons.  My biggest hinderance is getting up so early on Sunday mornings.

So far, so good!  I've done all my lessons and made to Ladies Bible Study every Sunday so far this year!  Granted it has only been two Sundays, but that makes my record two-for-two :)

6. Morning Routine.  I want to establish a morning routine for myself.  Right now, with the youngest being educated virtually, our mornings are pretty lazy.  I'd like to get up a bit earlier and actually be productive before 9am!  This will help with Goal #5, I hope.

I've been working on getting up earlier and accomplishing tasks on my daily planner.  Laken goes back to in-school class on January 19th, so this goal has become a main priority for this week so we can get back in the swing of things.

7.  Read For Pleasure.  I've not picked up a book (kindle or otherwise) for about 2 months.  I just haven't taken the time for reading.  I feel like I've lost my reading mojo and I'd like to get it back.

Working on this one but the past few days I haven't taken the time to read for pleasure.

8.  Grow My Etsy Shop.  I've been watching countless Hallmark Christmas Movies and crocheting items for my Etsy shop.  While I still have lots of ideas and patterns that I want to create, I need to set myself a schedule so that it isn't ALL that I do.  I want to grow the shop while still having time to do other things.

I have added more items to my shop and am working on getting into a routine with plenty of time for everything I want to do in a day.

9.  Blog Daily.  This is something I currently try to do and want to continue.  I have a pretty good schedule set up for myself.  Blogging is a wonderful outlet for creativity.

I'm basically sticking to the schedule I had in place already.

How are you doing on your 2021 goals if you set any in place?  I'd love to hear!


P.S.  I'd love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Great goals! May 2021 be a successful year for you.

  2. I always wonder what "morning routine" entails for people. I think we need to do a blog link up with that.

  3. I'm rooting for you! Losing weight isn't easy...especially during years as turbulent as 2020. I'd like to lose some weight and become fitter this year, too. There are a lot of us in the same boat. I'm cheering you on as you figure out what works best for you! :)

    My post.

    1. It certainly isn't easy! I'll be stopping by😊

  4. Sounds like you're making progress on all of your goals, even if it's just baby steps. That's the way to do it - slow and steady wins the race. Good luck to you!

    Happy TTT!

    1. As long as I keep moving in the right direction, I'll be happy :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Good luck on your goals!


  6. Good luck with your goals! Small daily goals help to reach that big ones!

  7. Great goals! It sounds like you're really focusing on things that will make your life better on a daily basis -- good luck!

    1. Each and every day I'm trying to get better :) Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I would love to lose 52 pounds as well. Good luck on these goals!

    1. Thank you so much! I need all the well wishes I can get :)

  9. What a fantastic list of goals for the new year! I hope you're able to complete them and/or feel satistifed with them by the end of 2021! 😊

  10. These are great goals! I wish I could say I was all caught up on my Bible Reading plan, but I definitely am not. And it's a 2-year plan so there's no excuse! Good luck. :)

    1. Persistence is more important that perfection. Keep at it :)

  11. These are all great goals! The exercise goal is something that I want to keep taking seriously this year because I started last year after being inactive for *way* too long and it actually made me feel good to be active again. Once I got the initial laziness and reluctance barrier of course 😂 I hope you enjoy pursuing and achieving all these goals!

    1. I always feel better when I exercise and move more. I totally understand the barriers!

  12. I read the Bible last year in daily readings (one each from Psalms/Proverbs, Old Testament, and New Testament) and it was amazing. This year I'm concentrating on the New Testament again and trying to practice Lectio Divina. I'm very excited to see what this journey will bring.

    I wish you all the best for your goals and for finding a routine that keeps you healthy and joyful.

    1. I'm really enjoying my daily Bible Reading and the study that we are having to discuss our notes. Have a great week!

  13. This seems like a great way to keep yourself motivated and accountable as you work towards your goals!

  14. I really want to blog more regularly too, i feel like I post to randomly. Good luck with your goals!

  15. Good luck with your goals! I want to start blogging more regularly as well. And yay for the treadmill! I'm trying to exercise at least every other day, I need to just make myself do it first thing in the day so I don't procrastinate and end up skipping it!

  16. Your goals are so impressive! I hope you meet them all. Best of luck!


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