
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tuesday 4 ~ New Year's ~ 12/29/2020

Head over to Tuesday's Place for the questions and to visit everyone's answers!

The Times Square ball first dropped on December 31, 1907. It is 12 feet in diameter and covered with Swarovski crystals. 

1.  Despite the weirdness of this past year, was it still a good year for you anyway or not?

Yes, the past year was strange and unlike anything we've had to deal with before, but it was still a good year.  We learned to spend more time with family and cherish every moment together.

2. How will you spend New Year's Eve?

We will spend New Year's Eve with our family having shrimp and apple cider, our traditions :)

3. What do you do on New Year's Day? Is football part of the agenda?

New Year's Day is usually a relaxing day.  We do cook the traditional pork and sauerkraut.  Football doesn't really play a big part of of New Year's Day.  How about you?  What are your traditional New Year's foods?

4. It's a Scottish tradition to kiss at midnight.  Do you keep that tradition? Does everyone get a kiss if you do?

I didn't know it was a Scottish tradition until this post!  The hubby and I do share a kiss at midnight.  Sometimes, if I'm really tired, I'll go to bed but set my alarm for 11:50pm just so I can wake up for the ball drop and my kiss :)


P.S.  I hope you can stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Honestly? I'm Scottish and I had no idea that the whole kissing at midnight thing was apparently a Scottish thing... *shrugs* One very Scottish thing on Hogmanay (NYE) is going round people's houses and sharing a drink before moving onto the next one. I guess it won't be happening this year though... (And I live in England now so it doesn't happen here anyway.)

    I hope you have a happy New Year!

  2. It has been a very strange year, but I think for all of us, we have learned how to do things differently and it maybe even works better. Happy New Year! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

  3. It was a strange year, but a learning experience for sure! The main thing for me was realizing how precious life is. I love shrimp! My hubby makes a great shrimp cocktail. Happy New Year!

    1. Yes, we've all had to learn to be flexible in our day to day lives. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year and thanks for joining in!

    1. Thanks for hosting each week! Happy New Year to you as well!

  5. I giggled when you commented on my blog that you don't like sauerkraut because I love it, but am not the biggest fan of the pork roast. I'd rather just have the kraut and mashed potatoes...maybe some pierogies thrown in, too. Happy New Year to you and your family!


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