
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/31/2020

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~ Christmas!  We had a wonderful, relaxing Christmas!  The girls are getting older now so we slept in until around 7am and I actually had to wake them up!  I love the Christmas season and all the preparations and time spent together.  Things were a little bit different this year but still GOOD :)

~Mary, Did You Know!  The Ladies Choir at Church sang "Mary, Did You Know" this past Sunday morning after having one practice!  Yikes!  We were worried about coming in at just the right moment but we managed to pull it off :)  Here's one of my favorite versions of the song, that we sounded nothing like.  Nothing...

~New Computer!  I mentioned earlier in the week that my oldest daughter, Kaylee, got me a new computer for Christmas!  It didn't get here until this past Monday but that is OK.  I'm still super excited to have my own computer again!  It was just so hard to use my kindle for everything.

~Bible Reading Plan!  I will be attempting to read The One Year Chronological Bible in 2021.  I'm very excited about this because my Mom and my Aunt Donna will be reading along with me!  I'm hoping that having the extra motivation and support will help me be more consistent with my daily Bible reading.  If you'd like to join along, here is the Bible we will be using.  There is even a Kindle version.

~Calendars and Planners!  I have my new wall calendar and a new blogging planner all set and ready to use come tomorrow!   My new calendar is Landscapes and my planner is in my favorite turquoise color.  I'm a geek about these kind of things :)

~New Year's Eve!  I want to take this little bit of space to say goodbye to 2020 and say hello to 2021...It has been real but I'm ready to leave 2020 behind!  I pray that 2021 will be kinder and more gentle to us all :)

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. I love that song by Pentatonix!! I used to listen to it in my classroom with a co-worker. Both ooh-ing and aah-ing all the time, lol.

    Wishing you a GREAT 2021, in your personal life AND bookwise ^^

  2. Oh my, what a nice list of blessings for you! Love that you have had such a wonderful Christmas, and now you are all set to start the New Year off right with all the right equipment for writing and reading! That chronological Bible sounds like a great way to read through the Bible. It would make things come together in a more realistic way when you can see what is going on all around at the same time. Interesting thought! I am anxious for the New Year to begin, and I am very thankful for the blessings of my family and friends and church. God has been very gracious to us and we are so thankful. Oh, I bet your choir sounded great singing Mary Did You Know?...I LOVE that song, and I am sure you all did it just's the message that is so good...just getting those words out there for people to hear and think about is a great way to tell Jesus' life story. Happy New Year!!

    1. God is good all the time! I'm excited about starting the Bible Reading Plan tomorrow :) Happy New Year!

  3. Pentatonix is wonderfully talented! I so enjoy listening to them. Great list of blessings. I found a 52-week Bible study on Amazon that will lead me through the entire Bible in 2021. It's all broken down into doable daily chunks. I do better with it all planned out. Yes, my new calendar and planner are ready to go! God has been faithful through this year, but I'm looking forward to a better 2021 for all of us. Happy New Year! (Oh, I plan to get some of your dishcloths soon!)

  4. Pentatonix does an awesome job of that song and so many others too! I hope you enjoy your chronological Bible Reading Plan. Happy New Year!

  5. I love Mary did you know... the words get me every time!!!
    You know I love a new planner & calendar!!!

  6. Great list and my calendar and planner are also ready to go. Here's hoping that 2021 is better than last year. Happy New Year.

  7. Love that song! I'm sure you all sounded lovely too as you sang from your hearts. I need to find my calendar that I bought way back in September and have now forgotten where I stashed it. LOL. What a blessing of a gift your daughter gave you! Happy New Year to you!

    1. Yes, I'm very blessed. Happy New Year to you as well!

  8. Oh yes! I love Pentatonix's version of Mary, Did you know? (I may always sing along when I hear it).
    I have read the One Year Chronological Bible three times now. I love doing it. This year I am doing it AGAIN with a group of people at church. We have an accompanying study guide and will meet Monday nights.
    Happy New Year!

  9. That song is my absolute fave Pentatonix Christmas song. I love them!! Did you see them perform at Times Square on New Years Eve just before the ball dropped? they were wonderful!

    I've done that Chronological Bible when my youngest now 22 was 13 and we loved it!! I still have it. I tend to read all throughout the Bible each year anyways but it was so much fun to do it in chronological order. I learned alot!! Enjoy it!

    I also got a new computer for xmas. A Macbook Air the latest one that my husband surprised me with. Now if the prek agency where i teach special ed has to go remote again (we've been in person since july but cases are on the rise here) then I will have a much easier time dealing with Google Classroom on an apple product!! my dell was so obsolete and il ove that i don't need to use windows!!


    1. I went to bed around 9:30pm on NYE intending to get back up before the ball dropped. That didn't happen! lol Congrats on the new computer! Happy New Year!

  10. Sounds like a great Christmas! We had a quiet New Year and went to bed. lol Not too exciting, but great non the less! Thanks for linking up!

  11. I love that song and Pentatonix's version of it. How fun to get a new computer for Christmas. I'd love to do a chronological reading of the bible some time. Our church uses a five-year plan right now, and I have some commentaries I'm using as well. I love setting up my new calendars, too. We fell asleep on the couch New Year's Eve and woke up just in time to turn on the TV and watch the ball drop.

    1. That is better than me going to bed at 9:30pm. lol


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