
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 12/17/2020

Here are some things that made me thankful/smile/excited this week:


~ A Snowstorm!  It might not seem like something to be happy about but this is the first big snow of the season and I'm excited!  Laken spent the afternoon sled riding and the rest of us hunkered down inside :)

~More Gin Rummy!  Last week I wrote that my Dad and I played Gin Rummy together.  Today, during the snowstorm, we played some more.  Someone asked if my Dad lives with us and in fact we live with my Dad AND Mom.  We are a "multigenerational" home.

~Cookies!  Another snowstorm pastime was making cookies Wednesday morning.  They were just Chocolate Chip but with the snow falling it was so Christmassy :)

~Stickers!  Kaylee learned how to make stickers with her Cricut!  She made me some custom name stickers.  After the new year she will be opening her Etsy Shop and offering all kinds of artsy stuff.  I'll be sure to update you when she is up and running :)

~The Christmas Tree!  We put up our little Christmas tree in the Family Room on Thanksgiving with the girls' ornaments.  Today we put up the live Christmas tree in the main Living Room and decorated it.  With the snow and Christmas music it was so nice to spend the time together :)

What are you thankful for/smiling/exited about this week?  Tell me all the good stuff! 


P.S. I love for you to stop by MY SHOP and give it some love!


  1. Yes, the snow sure is pretty this morning. So glad I don't have to be anywhere, though. I'd hate to have to dig out. There's a LOT out there and it is the heavy, wet stuff that sticks to the shovel. I'll be making some cookies today. I had planned to do that yesterday, but had a bit of a mishap Tuesday night/Monday morning and ended up just taking it easy. Good for your daughter! My daughter (adult) is asking for a Cricut for Christmas. I have been pricing but haven't made up my mind yet. It doesn't help that I know virtually nothing about them.

  2. I miss having snow. It really hasn't snowed here in a few years. Sounds like Kaylee is going to have a good time with an Etsy shop. Such a great place for crafters to sell. Thanks for linking up and stay well!

  3. I love to bake when it's cold outside! It warms the house and is something good to have with coffee or tea! I hope the snow is beautiful and you are all snug inside! holiday hugs to you all!

  4. Whewwww.... i'd only be thankful for snow if I had no where to go, & had food all in my cabinets & it was all thawed out by the next day - LOL

  5. How fun!! I’ve always loved the concept of snow, but I’m such a chicken in the cold!! Haha!!

  6. we are a multi generational family as well infact 3 generations live here happily come see us at


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