
Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/28/2020

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

Who else is excited to leave 2020 behind this week?

The weather outside is:

It was super cold the past few nights but warmed up nicely Sunday afternoon.  I'm not sure what this week entails weather-wise but now that Christmas is over, I'm ready for Spring.

On today's to-do list: 

I need to make a menu and grocery list then make a grocery run.  Pretty much my usual Monday...

Happening this week:

My new computer that Kaylee got me for Christmas should be arriving Monday!  I'm so excited to not have to borrow the hubby's laptop to blog anymore.  I'm also excited for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!  I have my new wall calendar all ready to hang :)

Currently reading:

I'm not currently reading anything but I want to make more time in my day for reading in the new year.  I'll be setting my Goodreads Challenge goal at 26 books again this year.  I don't do well with pressure reading so I'm setting the bar low and hoping that I make it!

On the TV:

WONDER WOMAN 1984!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hobbs & Shaw

We subscribed to HBO-Max for 6 months so that we could watch WW84 on Christmas Day.  There are so many movies and shows to watch.  If you have a favorite that is a must-watch let me know in the comments :)

Listening to:

I featured "This is Jesus" by We Are Messengers on my Songs on Sunday post yesterday as my last featured Christmas Song of the season.

On the menu week:

Monday ~ Ham, Fried Potatoes
Tuesday ~ Chicken and biscuits
Wednesday ~ Fish, Fries
Thursday ~  New Year's Eve
Friday ~ New Year's Day
Saturday ~ Spaghetti, garlic bread
Sunday ~ Church Potluck

In the Craft Basket:

I'm currently working on a Prayer Shawl in Yellow.  I'm just getting started on it and I'm not sure I like the color for a Shawl.  What do you think?

Picture From the Camera:

The hubby with his Coke and popcorn.  Oh and the ever-present remote.

Bible Verse/Devotional

 "And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."  Luke 2:7

Have a great Monday!


I'd love for you to stop by and give THE SHOP some love!


  1. I like the yellow color, it reminds me of Spring! Think we have a long way to go to get there though, we've hardly had any Winter weather around here. Hooray for a new computer coming soon. Hope you have a great week and a very Happy New Year!

    1. I decided to keep going with the yellow :) Happy New Year to you as well!

  2. Hi Colletta, I'm with you - I set my reading goals fairly low, then try to surpass them. My goal this year was 25 books and I am on track to finish the year with 45. I like the color of your prayer shawl. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Way to go surpassing your reading goal! Happy New Year!

  3. I love the yellow prayer shawl! I have that color as an accent in my living room! I have a pillow that says "This is my Happy Place" Enjoy your new computer~!

    1. My porch swing is my Happy Place :) Happy New Year!

  4. I love the yellow prayer shawl! I have that color as an accent in my living room! I have a pillow that says "This is my Happy Place" Enjoy your new computer~!

  5. I'm with you, ready for Spring hahah

    I was thinking about setting a book goal as well for this year. I don't like telling myself to read a specific number because then I'll feel pressured, but I'm thinking maybe just see how many I can get in this year.

    Have a wonderful week!!

    1. I don't do well with pressure so I set the goal pretty low. Just 1 book every 2 weeks should be doable...??? Happy New Year!

  6. Sorry so late in visiting.
    Your husband seems to be having a grand time and that is good! 2020 was a rough year and we need all the fun we can get.
    My book goal for this year is the same as last year - 50 books (I use goodread). I reached my goal exactly in 2020!


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