
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 12/14/2020

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday! 

Are you all set for Christmas or running behind?

The weather outside is:

This weekend has been very temperate.  We did have some heavy rains last night but I didn't mind :)  The forecast for mid-week is calling for some decent snowfall.  If we get what they are forecasting, it will be our first heavy snow of the year.  Don't tell, but I'm kinda excited!

On today's to-do list: 

We picked up groceries on Saturday so I don't have to do that today.  It is going to be a pretty down day.  I do want to write Christmas Cards out sometime so today might be the day.  I also have a package to get to the post office today.

Happening this week:

It is a pretty normal week for us.  One note-worthy thing on the schedule is that we'll be baking our Christmas cookies this week!  I can't wait to have some fresh, warm cookies straight from the oven.  Maybe it will start feeling more like Christmas... 

Currently reading:

Nothing.  I haven't picked up a book (or my Kindle to read) at all this week.

On the TV:

Hallmark Christmas Movies (LOTS OF THEM!)

The Meg (again)

Listening to:

I featured "O Come, O Come, Emanuel" by For King and Country on my Songs on Sunday post yesterday.

On the menu week:

Monday ~ Ham, fried potatoes
Tuesday ~ Chicken, Stuffing
Wednesday ~ Weiner Winks, French Fries
Thursday ~  Sausage, Eggs, Cinnamon Rolls
Friday ~ LumberJack Snacks
Saturday ~ Pizza
Sunday ~ Church Potluck

In the Craft Basket:

I'm currently working on a Prayer Shawl in Cafe Latte.  I'm hoping to get it listed in MY SHOP within the next few days.

Picture From the Camera:

Kona Mae

Bible Verse/Devotional

" Now Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,"  Luke 2:4

Have a great Monday!


I'd love for you to stop by and give THE SHOP some love!


  1. I'm doing Christmas cookies next Monday and just thinking about them helps get me in the Christmas spirit! I hope you get the snow - I always love the first snow storm of the season. Have a GREAT week!

  2. Hope you get your snow. As much as I love my warm weather days, I'd kind of like to see a real white Christmas this year. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. I'm with you on the Hallmark movies! Love the shawl. Have a great week

  4. So what are Weiner Winks? Glad to see you can post. Have fun baking cookies. Come and link at The Fabulous Party!


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