
Friday, November 20, 2020

My Weekly Bookishness ~ 11/20/2020

All things bookish!

What I Read:

You can read my review HERE!


What I'm Reading:


Calling All Couples!
Sign up now. Help us set a record!
On December 10 at 5:00 pm,
we need your help setting a
Guinness World Record
for the most couples
kissing under the mistletoe!

Chase Spencer had been firmly planted in the friend-zone ever since he first met Rachel Anthony back when they were in grade school and it looks like that’s where he’s destined to remain. And her latest scheme is bound to be torture. She wants them to help break the Guinness World Record for the most couples kissing under the mistletoe at one time. How should he handle this? Should the kiss be a chaste, friendly kiss like she envisions? Or should he do it in a way that leaves Rachel without a doubt that he wants to be more than friends?

It had always been Rachel’s dream to break a world record, and who better to do it with than her best friend Chase? And it wasn’t as if they hadn’t kissed before—sixth grade, spin-the-bottle at Iona Puckett’s party—a peck of the lips and it’d be over. Except she missed the part where they had to hold the kiss for ten seconds. And no one warned her of how she would feel afterwards—confused and longing for more. How can she convince Chase to change her status from friend to girlfriend?

First Lines:

"Chase, you have got to see this!"

56%/Page 56

The thought that ten years from now, he and Rae may not be as close depressed him.  Was it really worth the risk?


What I'll (Probably) Read Next:


For Janice Michaels, the bane of her career as a music teacher is preparing students for the annual winter holiday program. Christmas has brought nothing but grief and loneliness for the past decade, after she lost her beloved husband to a fatal car accident. Hearing holiday music day after day during the first few months of the school year is like constantly ripping the scab off an unhealed wound.

Determined to keep her husband in her heart, she has kept a fortress around it, allowing only one woman in as a true friend, and avoiding anything more than a passing acquaintance with any man.

Until Timothy Fielding, the maintenance man at the apartment complex where she lives, comes along. He happens to love the Christmas season. When circumstances – and Janice’s best friend, Kayla – draw them together, he struggles to keep his growing feelings for Janice at bay. He has his own secret past that he’s sure would repel any woman, once she found out about it.

But his desire for love and companionship win out, and he does his best to knock down the walls around Janice’s heart. But even when she finally relents and agrees to spend more time with him, she continues to resist opening her heart back up to Christmas.

Because the death of her husband is only the beginning of the tragedy surrounding the day.

In the meantime, Lucille Masterson, the great-grandmother of Janice’s star pupil, makes a shocking discovery that almost causes her to ruin Christmas for her family. Again. But then she realizes that if she would face her fear, she could finally release the burden she’s been carrying for the past ten years. What she doesn’t know is that it would release a horrible burden for the very person she’s afraid to face…


Book Haul:



Book Blogger Hop:

Q.  Have you ever started reading a book and suddenly realized you've already read it? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

A.  YES!  I have!

Actually it has probably happened more than once.  That is one reason I started this blog over 10 years ago.  I needed a way to keep track of books I read and my thoughts about them.  Later, I discovered Goodreads and I keep track there also but this is more fun!


Bookishly Yours,


Linking up to:


  1. My first line today comes from The Red Canary by Rachel Scott McDaniel:
    May 29, 1928. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    “ From that day on, death was in my song.” Vera’s voice quivered as she ended her nightly number.

  2. Hi there Coletta! Your first and last selection looks nice! You can see it's the same author just from the cover design and font. I do love it when authors/publishers do that!

    Before technology, I would be almost 50% into a book before I realized that I have actually read it! Nowadays it's better. But Mary Higgins Clark still tricks me.

    Have a wonderful weekend! Here's my Friday Fives #1

  3. This seems like a cute story, and I like the quotes too.

  4. Nice to see a holiday read. I hope you love it! Happy weekend!

  5. Happy Friday!

    Over on my blog I am sharing the first line of Watercolors by Lorna Seilstad.
    "Spring should be filled with the scents of apple blossoms and fresh rain, not of sweaty men, wet canvas, and diseased flesh."

    Have a lovely weekend!!

  6. Happy Friday! Today, I'm sharing the first line from When Silence Sings by Sarah Loudin Thomas. "Colman walked along the last car of the coal train, tapping each wheel with his long-handled hammer, listening intently to the clang clang clang."

  7. Happy Friday!
    Today I'm sharing the first line from Jen Turano's latest novel, To Steal a Heart: But I'm currently starting A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen so I'll share a line from there.
    "Flotsam or jetsam? According to the heavy volume of Dr. Johnson's Dictionary in my uncle's study, flotsam is any goods floating on the sea where a ship has sunk or been cast away, while jetsam is anything purposely cast out of a ship when in danger, in hopes of saving it, or at least lightening the load."
    I hope you have a great weekend! 🙂❤📚

  8. Happy Weekend! My first line is from "Once Upon a Silent Night" by Kimberly Rae Jordan:

    "Alessia Talbot tipped her head back against the headrest of her seat, clutching her cell phone tightly in her hand."

  9. There are so many children’s books that seem vaguely familiar to me. I never remember if I read them as a kid, or if I just know too much about the plot. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  10. It’s the season for Xmas romances :)
    Just this last week I started a book and realised within a few pages I’d read it six years ago, I was fooled by the new title and cover

    Wishing you a great reading week

  11. It's an odd feeling to get into a book---sometimes to get halfway or more---and suddenly realize this is a book I've read before. Usually it is a book I read more than twenty years ago, before I started reviewing everything I read.

    I like the sound of Mistletoe Kiss. It would make a lovely Hallmark movie, I think.

    Have a great week.

  12. Nice looking assortment of books. I use LibraryThing to help me keep track of what I've read. Since I started, I haven't accidentally purchased a book I already owned. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  13. Looks like you are continuing the Adams series so that is a good sign.
    Yes, I started keeping book lists in 2000 to help avoid re-reading unintentionally. The blog and Goodreads lists help!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Reading!


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