
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 8/6/20

Here are some things that made me thankful this week:

~ A Clean Family Room!  We worked all day cleaning and re-arranging the Family Room to function a little bit better.  I'm ashamed at how much dog hair had collected under/behind the couches since last time they were pulled out for cleaning.  We took down Kona's "bed" (crate) and are going to try trusting her to behave while we're away from the house.  So far so good :)

~Cleaning the Church Building!  Today was my last day to clean the Church Building.  I don't mind cleaning it when it is my turn but it always is a relief to pass the duty on to the next set of volunteers.  We sign up for a monthly rotation and it seems like my cleaning partner and I always get July when life is crazy hectic.  I think my next "turn" isn't until January...
~A "Non-Planner" Day!  My old planner ended on Saturday, August 1 and my new planner didn't start until Monday, August 3.  Therefore, I went a whole day without looking at a planner!  It felt very odd...  Thankfully I didn't have anything out of the ordinary going on that I would have to remember :)

~Laken's 13 Year Checkup!  Monday Laken had her checkup with the pediatrician.  Her asthma is being treated and managed fairly well.  She also got her Sport's Physical paperwork completed while there.  Now she can officially play Volleyball when "official" practices start.

~Cooler Weather!  It actually felt like Fall today.  The temperature was in the 60F's this morning and only go up in the 70F's.  It felt glorious to sit on the porch and feel the cool breeze :)

~No More Vet Appointments!  Lilah had her last vet appointment today for her eye.  The vet said that as long as she doesn't scratch at it she should be good to go!  Not to sound harsh, but weekly vet appointment were getting expensive!

What are you thankful for this week? 


1 comment:

  1. Vet appointments can get really expensive so glad everything is done with that.
    YAHOOO for getting a room clean that is a big use area. That's usually a challenge
    I try to get under my couches every few days &am STILL shocked how much dog hair gets under there


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