
Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/9/20

Here are some things that made me thankful this week:

~Good Test Results!  Once again, the Lord came through in a big way.  During my monthly "female" self-check, I found a lump that scared me.  I got into see the doctor right away and she sent me for an ultrasound.  I was so nervous as I waited for the results.  It was only 10 minutes but it felt like hours!  The results showed perfectly normal breast tissue!  Nothing at all to worry about, thank the Good Lord :)

~#FitReaders!  I discovered a group of readers who are motivating each other to move more.  It was just what I needed to kick my rear in gear!  I set some goals on Tuesday and so far, so good!

~Air Conditioning!  I don't know about you but it has been SO VERY HOT in my area with little to no rain for days upon days.  I am so thankful that we have a portable A/C in the Family Room so that we have somewhere to go to cool off.  Hopefully next summer we'll have a more permanent solution to the heat in the addition of the house.

~Volleyball is Starting!  We got a text today that Open Gym will be starting next week for Jr. High Volleyball.  Laken is so excited and really happy that she will be having the same coaches as last year.  She also has an All American Volleyball Clinic coming up week after next.  It will be lots of running back and forth to the school for me but Laken loves Volleyball so much :)

~Safe Travels!  It took Kaylee a whole hour to get home after work one night because there was a tree across the road.  She had to turn around and come home the long way.  Needless to say, I was worried sick and ready to go looking for her.  Just as I was getting ready to leave, she pulled in the driveway.  Again, God is Good!

What are you thankful for this week? 


1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord the results were OK - that is truly the longest wait to hear those results.
    & AMEN on the AC... its HORRIBLE here too


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