
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday ~ 7/23/20

Here are some things that made me thankful this week:

~ 7/16/20 ~ Good Dental Checkups!  Kaylee and I had our dental checkup and cleaning today.   We both had good reports and were told to keep up the good work.  But...we're supposed to floss more...  lol

~ 7/17/20 ~ Highlights!  I made a hair appointment and got in right away for highlights!  I needed to change it up a bit.  I love it!

~7/18/20 ~ Working at the Church!  Doug, Laken and I worked on building a playground for the littles at Church.  We have a playground for the bigger kids but we've been blessed with some toddlers in the congregation and they needed a space of their own to play where they wouldn't get run over by the "big kids".  It was so hot but we got it put together for the most part!

~ 7/19/20 ~ Treadmill!  I am so thankful to have a treadmill on days like today.  It would have been WAY too hot to walk outside!

~ 7/20/20 ~ Progress on Laken's Room!  Laken wants to redecorate her room into a "teenage room".  Doug is on vacation the week and one of his projects is to work on Laken's room.  It isn't a painless process to be sure!  Laken is a hoarder and doesn't want to get rid of anything.  Any progress is better than none!

~ 7/21/20 ~ School Board Meeting!  The School Board for Laken's school met this evening.  I haven't heard yet what they decided to do for the Fall but at least they have to be making progress.  We have no idea what to expect so far!

~ 7/22/20 ~ Lilah's Eye Getting Better!  We had Lilah back to the vet for a re-check of her eye and it is making progress in healing.  The vet added a second eye drop that will hopefully help it heal all the way.

What are you thankful for this week? 


1 comment:

  1. I need to start putting my treadmill to use!
    YAHOO for good dental visits - that's always a relief.
    I'm tempted to get highlights... I heard they help cover the gray when it comes in :) That's why I need it


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