
Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 7/6/20

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

I'm writing this post on Thursday night as we'll be having a very busy weekend starting with tomorrow. 

The weather outside is:

It isn't too awfully hot outside right now.  In fact, it is hanging around 73F which is fairly comfortable.  I turned the AC off for the night.

This weekend and all next week is supposed to have high's in the 90F's.  I think we'll be visiting my brother's house for some pool time!

On my breakfast plate:

Tomorrow is actually my Dad's 73rd birthday!  Happy Birthday, Dad!!!!  He wants to go to Bob Evan's for a late breakfast.  I'll either get an omelet or sausage gravy and biscuits.  I haven't decided yet :)

On today's to do list:

Today's to do list was getting the brakes on the Nitro fixed and picking up supplies for Saturday's festivities.

Monday's to do list will be grocery shopping and other normal daily tasks.

Happening this week:

This weekend will be all the 4th of July festivities.  We're going to my brother at lunch to have some picnicky foods and swim.  Then in the evening, we're going to my Aunt Donna and Uncle Charlie's for more food and fireworks.

Next week is fairly basic except for dentist appointments on Thursday and a 16th birthday party for a friend's son on Saturday.

It is a pay week, though, so whoohooo!

Currently reading:

I'm getting ready to start reading "Not Alone" by Liz Bradford on my kindle through Kindle Unlimited.

On the TV:

I've been watching some Hallmark movies lately but not the Christmas movies.  I just don't get into the whole "Christmas in July" deal.  I've mostly been watching the mystery movies.

We've also been catching up on DVR'd episodes of "Hot Mess".  It is an organizing show and is so interesting.  Hopefully Laken will get an organizing bug and get her room straightened up!

Listening to:

Kaylee has been watching "Hamilton" on Disney+, so the soundtrack has been in the background for the past few days.

On the menu week:

Monday -  Lumberjack Snacks (a friend's food truck...Yumm)
Tuesday -  Irish Stew
Wednesday -  Pizza
Thursday  - Cheese Ravioli w garlic bread
Friday -  Pork Chops, mashed potatoes
Saturday -  Grilled Cheese, Soup
Sunday - Potluck at Church

Picture From the Camera:

Bible Verse/Devotional

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters."  Isaiah 55:1

Have a great Monday!



  1. Happy Birthday to your dad! Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend. Have a great week

  2. Wishing your dad a happy birthday. Your new book sounds like a great read - love when romance and suspense intertwine. Let us know how it is!

  3. Happy Birthday! My daddy turns 81 next in a few weeks.
    I've never watched the Hallmark mystery movies. I keep meaning to give them a try.
    Have a great week.

  4. I'm going to have look up the "Hot mess" show. Sounds super interesting. Hope you had a terrific holiday and your week ahead is wonderful!

  5. Hope your dad had a great birthday :)

    Yum, you made me hungry with your biscuits and gravy.

    Have a blessed week.

  6. Happy birthday to Dad! I have been thinking of getting Disney+ just so I can watch Hamilton. I have heard so many people talking about it and will never get to see it here in Australia any other way. Hope you have a lovely week!


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