
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 6/30/20 ~ with pictures

A few sentences about each day...

June 21, 2020 - June 27, 2020

Sun/21 ~ Happy Father's Day to my wonderful Dad and to my awesome hubby :)  We had Church at the Lion's Park today with a picnic to celebrate the father's afterward.  It was such a nice time of food and fellowship.  We followed the picnic with a nice Sunday Afternoon Nap.  Kaylee feel asleep on the couch while Laken made Doug a Father's Day Card.  She's one to wait until the last minute but they are always very elaborate :)

Mon/22 ~ It was so hot this morning but then this afternoon storms rolled in and cooled the temperatures.  We went for groceries as we usually do on Mondays and I got this sweet little Cross Stitch Kit.  I'm not letting myself open it until I get my current crochet WIP done though :)

Tues/23 ~ I've been crocheting, crocheting, crocheting on my WIP.  I really want to dig into learning Cross Stitch!  We decided not to cook tonight and instead went to Sundae's for hot dogs and ice cream.  I got my favorite Peanut Butter Sundae with peanuts on top!  yummy...

Wed/24 ~ Kaylee found out that we got Sundae's without her (she was at work) so she "insisted" we go for lunch today.  She had to twist our arms...Not!  Laken wasn't feeling too perky this evening.  Her temperature was normal.  I think she has just been staying up too late at night and was overly tired.

Thurs/35 ~ I hung the laundry out on the clothesline today but when I started to hang the second load, I heart thunder.  I barely got the first load off the line when it poured down rain.  It moved through pretty quickly.  I got my WIP all joined and started working on the border this evening.  It is going to take a while to get all the rows of the border completed.

Fri/26 ~ We have been looking everywhere for Mountain Pie Irons!  I know we went to at least 5 stores and looked online and everywhere is sold out!  Laken really wants Mountain Pies at her party in late July so we figured we better start looking now.  On the way home from work this morning, Doug stopped by the little bait shop near our local State Park and lo and behold:  Mountain Pie Irons!  Daddy saves the day...again!  We went back to the State Park in afternoon to fish and relax.  It was a beautiful day even if it was a bit windy!

Sat/27 ~ It was supposed to storm so we had thought our plans to make a trip to Swallow Falls would have to be put on hold.  When it hadn't rained by noon, we decided to make the 1 hr 30 min drive and just see what would happen weather-wise.  We had some rain on the way once we hit Garrett County but by the time we got to Swallow Falls and parked it had slacked off.  We had a nice time at the park and then stopped at IHOP for supper (my first time).  I plan on writing a post with more pictures sometime this week.

Until next week,


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