
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Journal Entry ~ 6/2/20 ~ with pictures

A few sentences about each day...

May 25, 2020 - May 30, 2020

Mon/25 ~ Happy Memorial Day and Happy Unofficial Summer!  We got Subway for lunch before Kaylee had to go to work and ate at the picnic table on the hill.  After Kaylee left for work, while Doug was napping for work tonight and Laken was doing who-knows-what, I got on the treadmill for 45 minutes.  I'm trying really hard to find the right time of day to make walking on the treadmill a habit.  Mornings and evenings are busy so maybe afternoons will be the right time???  After Doug's nap, we went for ice cream and fishing at Shawnee.  It was a beautiful day :)

Tues/26 ~  It was another gorgeous day!  I think the nice weather is finally here to stay :)  Laken spent most of the afternoon outside on a blanket with the cats.  Fluff decided that the blanket was solely for her and wriggled all over it.  We had to water the flowers and the vegetable garden this evening as they were getting a bit thirsty.

Wed/27 ~  Even though it was a bit cloudy, I was able to hang clothes on the line today!  I love being able to do that.  Damon and Dexter were here today.  Laken played with them outside (when she finally got out of bed).  They played ball and drew with sidewalk chalk.  When we came inside, the kids helped make a Cinnamon Chocolate Chunk Coffee Cake.  It was utter chaos but we got it made :)  It turned out super yummy and I'll be sure to share the recipe sometime soon.

 Thurs/28 ~ Kaylee wanted to go shopping this morning this morning to get some cooler work clothes.  Apparently it was unbearably hot in the warehouse last evening and she was wearing a pair of sweatpants!  We stopped at Hebrews, a little coffee shop, and the girls got their morning caffeine.  It was very muggy this evening so we had an easy supper of weiner winks and french fries.  For dessert we had fresh strawberries with whipped cream :)

Fri/29 ~ Green!  Green!  Green!  We're going green!  Next Friday, that is, but I'm still excited!  Restaurants, hair salons,theaters, etc., etc., etc.  I know we still have to be cautious, don't get me wrong.  It will just be good to get just a little bit closer to "normal".  Kaylee got a letter in the mail from the College saying that she received a scholarship that she had applied for.  It is for $500.  Every little bit helps :)

Sat/30 ~ My recipe for "Irish Stew" was featured on the blog "Scraptastic Saturdays"!  I got a new pretty orange cup to hold my ice water.  they didn't have my favorite turquoise color so I picked the orange one.  I'm hoping that I'll cut back on the pop and drink more water.  We went shoe shopping for Kaylee's work shoes.  She got a pair of Sketchers that are very cushiony.  I hope they work well for her.               

Until next week,


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