
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 5/12/20

Looking out my window:

As I write this Monday afternoon, it is cold and rainy :(  It is almost the middle of May!  When is the summery whether going to come shine down on us?

I am thinking:

I am thinking that I still must exercise today.  I lost 1.6 pounds this past week and don't want to lose momentum with my exercising.

I am thankful:

I am thankful that Kaylee gets her first paycheck on Friday.  I think it will really help her to learn to manage money and be a great incentive to really give it her all at her job.  I made her a "Budget Binder" and have plans to teach her how to budget her money wisely.  What she does after that is up to her...

One of my favorite things:

One of my favorite things recently is my treadmill.  I know that sounds weird but I feel so much better after I've exercised.  With the crazy weather lately, my treadmill has been super handy to have.

I am creating:

I am still creating another granny square blanket using the following colors in Redheart Ombre and white.

I joined the first 3 rows and have 2.5 more rows completed in various stages of assembly.  I really need to get them all joined soon!


I am wearing:

I am wearing comfy clothes as I'm getting ready to get on the treadmill.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to:

This is the third book in the Lockhart series.  I may be done reading it by the time this posts.  If so, I'll be sure to link to my review.  (Edited to Add:  I finished it!  Click HERE to read my review :)

I am hoping:

That Kaylee passed all her classes this semester.  With starting to work a few weeks ago, she was a little stressed with the last few exams.  We should know her final grades this week.

I am learning:

I am learning that I enjoy a larger variety of foods than I thought!  I'm really enjoying cooking lately and trying new recipes.

In my kitchen:

This evening we are trying a new recipe called "Loaded Baked Potato Casserole".  I hope it is good because it sounds delicious.  I'll let you know soon!

Shared Quote:

"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2

A moment from my day:

Kona a tennis ball and has been having a grand old time playing fetch with it :)

Have a Blessed Day!



  1. Hi Colletta. I enjoyed reading about what is going on in your life this week. Congrats on the weight loss. I enjoy exercise a lot too. I think I am addicted to walking outside. That is great that your daughter has a job and is earning a paycheck. It is so important for your people to learn to work hard and manage their money. Have a good Tuesday. I will be back to visit again soon!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! It means a lot to me :)

  2. Can't wait to hear about the loaded tater casserole!!!!

    Kona is too cute in that picture!


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